Beaverlicious's Forum Posts

  • Hey there friends,

    I guess this is an absolutely small issue, but did anyone notice the little mark on the forum search?

    It looks like a drop or something and I catches myself several times, trying to rub it away.

    I know there is some sort of texture on the site, but this is a little to big i guess.

    Silly me... <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • looks pretty funny and works out really well :)

    need to test it on phone :)

  • 3d, would be great of course...but there is so much more magic in 2D to discover, I guess....the best example are the angry birds. conquered the world 2d style!^^

  • If there is any need of translations into German, feel free to ask :)

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Some more illustrations from the Beaver-World :) Can you name them all?

  • Ashley

    Thanks for your respond.:)

    I guess, there is something like you think off in Flash or FlashBuilder, am I right?

    This would definetly help developing for different screens, what is a often disscussed topic here. :)

  • Not for all of course, but i guess even the apple ones would help a lot of people here!

    I can?t take a subway train without seeing 50 iphones i guess.

  • Hey there Constructians!

    I really like the new debugging feature, it helps a lot to make game?s performance better!

    But I would even pay some bugs to have a feature that emulates some common devices. (like iPhone,SamsungGalaxy etc.) and simulates their CPU, Screen size etc, so that i can see quickly, in debugging mode, if my game is performant on these devices.

    Hope you get what I mean, my english isn?t the best!


  • Hello,

    i was just wondering, if there is any possibility to let construct remember how often a program was visited.

    Something like the counter in the arcade. :)

    Thank you!

  • Don�t know if I already introduced myself :D

    My name �s Robin, i�m from Germany and love Games and Beavers...:)

  • tulamide

    Read the article again and can�t find a passage where he is judged to 250k.

    The red cross wanted 40k+Lawyer etc. but the flyer-dude didn�t have to pay anything besides 606,30�. The rest was obviously invalid, because of a earlier case where the court has decided different. He could�t know that.

    Please correct me, if i�m getting things wrong here, I�m not a lawyer.

    F�r die H�he des Gegenstandswertes ist auf das Interesse des Kl�gers an der k�nftigen Unterbindung des beanstandeten Verhaltens abzustellen. Der Kl�ger hat im vorliegenden Rechtsstreit den Streitwert mit insgesamt 50.000 EUR angegeben. Mit der vorliegenden Klage macht der Kl�ger neben dem Unterlassungsanspruch noch Folgeanspr�che (Auskunfts- und Schadensersatzfeststellungsanspr�che) geltend, so dass im vorliegenden Rechtsstreit der Wert des Unterlassungsanspruchs mit 40.000 EUR zu beziffern ist. Dieser Gegenstandswert ist auch dem vorprozessualen Abmahnschreiben zugrunde zu legen.

    Nach dem RVG ist die Anrechnung der Gesch�ftsgeb�hr f�r eine au�ergerichtliche T�tigkeit neu geregelt. Soweit wegen desselben Gegenstandes eine Gesch�ftsgeb�hr nach Nr. 2400 VV entstanden ist, wird diese zur H�lfte, jedoch h�chstens mit einem Geb�hrensatz von 0,75 auf die Verfahrensgeb�hr des gerichtlichen Verfahrens angerechnet (Vorbem. 3 Abs.4 zur VV RVG).

    Erfolgt nunmehr eine nach dem RVG geregelte Anrechnung der au�ergerichtlichen Kosten zur H�lfte, berechnet sich der Erstattungsbetrag wie folgt:

    Gegenstandswert: 40.000,- EUR

    1,3 Gesch�ftsgeb�hr des Rechtsanwalts

    Nr.2400 VV RVG:

    1.172,60 EUR

    Auslagenpauschale des Rechtsanwalts

    20,00 EUR

    Anrechnung gem. Vorbem. 3 Abs.4 VV RVG

    586,30 EUR


    606,30 EUR

    To your second statement... of course this example was pretty obvious, but I guess you don�t see the difference in using a symbol in creating something like a rivalry-product than to use it in a context, it doesn�t affect things.

    I mean see thousand of mercedes stars, MacBooks, coke cans etcetcetc every day in television. What about that? You could�t even wear a adidas-pullover in your home videos :D

  • tulamide

    You ever read the example you posted??

    It�s about a dude who made a flyer how to stay save, and protect yourself from injuries. Of course you can�t take the red cross for this reasons. That�s like taking the coca cola symbol to sell your own coke.

    Also he paid 700 bugs + 5% for that.

    "An den Kl�ger 699,90 EUR zuz�glich Zinsen in H�he von 5 % �ber dem Basiszinssatz seit dem 1. Dezember 2004 zu zahlen;"

    Please be more careful with your information.

  • Really funny and informative! :-)

    Absolutely a thumbs up!

  • sosensible

    Why? Artists do it everytime, everywhere.

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  • Wuhuuuu^^ a message :-D