Bartosh's Forum Posts


    to move hold the left mouse button, right one sends a little fish out like a torpedo.

    the terrain is generated while you play, and the canvas collision mask isn't updated until all the grass is created.


    i think i'm pushing the construct game maker to its limits with my level / canvas sizes, i noticed if you make a canvas with a width larger than 8000 it tweaks out bad. and the collision mask is all types of messed up. it makes me sad, because a lot of my ideas deal with a scope of this scale.

    i'm currently messing with zooming in extremely close, but that makes the canvas collision mask impossible to work with.


    By popular demand(what... 2 people?) Ive made it so in 1player the movement is traditional 8 direction/ aim at cursor, should be a LOT more user friendly(turned out to be easier to do than i expected), also if you want more action, click on the timer, it sends in another group of enemy's.


    thinking about it, this is the only 2player defense game I've ever heard of....thats gotta count for something, then again 2player games on the same computer are far and few between.

  • big thing you need to do is change the enemy ai, x scrolling goats walkers is pretty weird, also the guy rotating around his gun is pretty crazy. seeing as how this looks a lot like the ghost shooter tutorial.

    im gonna go out on a limb and assume this is your first game, if so, your doing really good. not to impose but i can give you some of my old top down shooter sprites if you want them.

  • well heres version 0.50(i guess)

    couple new enemy's---

    Baddies: the first little red dudes you face, basically cannon fodder.

    Critters : little robot/bunny things, die in 1 hit with everything, but hurt you pretty good if they touch you

    Grunts: green dudes, there health and number of shots fired goes up exponentially with every wave

    Lava Ticks: walking bombs of lava, they also get more health when they walk threw lava

    Beetles: flying annoyances

    Juggernauts: have a force shield that gets stronger when more Baddies are around and shoot plasma.

    Ill add the targeting sites and 1player 8 direction movement in my next release...

  • add an invisible bullet that when it hits a target it causes the shooter to spawn the lightning, then you would make its width to the distance between the shooter and the hit target.

  • i felt a monkey being attacked by a Ailen best represented me as a person..

  • floating heads are creepy

    i assuming this is going to be a platforming rpg...looks like it could turn out awesome, jumping and what not doesn't seam like it would work well in a fast action oriented game.

  • awesome game, i laughed my *** off at the ending.

  • is there any way to get the x and y of a turrets target?

  • any reason to eat until you puke, then eat again, is good enough for me.

  • yeah, deferent enemy's is my current to do. im also going to add a randomly selected boss every 10 waves

    controls are a trick because of the 2 player aspect. i might make it so if you select 1 player mode you get a traditional 8 direction base with a rotate to face the mouse aiming.

    cross hairs is a good idea


    "BTW there was a VERY cool MMF game that you controlled a group a soliders fighting off waves of bugs, but I can't remember the name..."

    i think the game your thinking of is aliens infestation 2, that and tremors 3 were kinda the inspiration for this.


    i submitted 1 of the crashes (the one that crashes when i tried to save the level made in the in-game editor). it was an Anonymous submission though. the other one happened way back in the day when construct switched to a newer version.

    i might pick up the pieces and remake them after version 1.0 comes out.


    A Defense game I�ve thrown together after my last 2 games had debilitating crashes. It�s still pretty early in its development, but it�s playable.

    Player 1 controls-

    W A S D keys to move

    Space to shoot

    1,2,3 keys to switch weapons

    Player 2 controls-

    Arrow keys to move

    num pad 0 to shoot

    num pad 1,2,3 to switch weapons

    To build turrets you need to be in the base (the thing you�re defending). Click on the icon, then were you want it.

    Currently only the burst cannon can be upgraded. To do so, click on it when you�re outside the base.

    Each weapon gets exponentially better with every guy you kill. It�s not vary balanced right now but like I said� It�s still pretty early in its development�

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  • I wish politics in the UK was as interesting and inspirational as in America!

    yeah its Exciting , but vary little ever gets done. we just seem to move left and right, hardly ever forward.

  • Also, all of the morons calling Obama a terrorist(which is, quite frankly, retarded) and stuff are what we call EXTREMISTS. Both sides always have and always will have them.

    wonder were they got that idea..

    both party's have extremist. but left extremist love tofu, saving polar bears and hugging trees.and hate walmart

    right extremest love guns,hunting and war. and hate people of different ethnicity and religion.

  • I don�t know about you. But I�m scared shitless. I love Obama, I think he is exactly what America /the world needs right now. But I�ll be amazed if he doesn�t get shot. J.F.K, Abraham Lincoln, they got shot, and they just liked black people.

    He means something more to people than just a president. At the wining rally, I saw people crying. A lot of black people were crying. I�m shore there were a lot of people that night that could still remember when Obama wouldn�t have been able to eat in the same restaurant, drink from the same water fountain, or be in the same schools as white people. But there he stood, soon to be the leader of America. I really can�t even imagine how that feels. Regardless of political beliefs, that alone is amazing.

    And if he gets shot, I know who I�m going to point my finger at. The republican campaign has been fear mongering something unbelievable. They have called him a communist, a Muslim, a terrorist, they repeatedly bring up his middle name, Husain, all enemies we have had in the past. And its not free radicals doing this, it�s the leaders of the Republican Party. Most the intelligent sane republicans I talk too don�t believe any of this (hell even Mccain says he doesn�t). But if there not talking to competent sane people�..then who the hell are they talking to��.

    This war between left and right will finally have escalated to the point of bloodshed. �And can you imagine what will happen. What those people with tears in their eyes will be thinking..The L.A riots will pale in comparison. Old grievances and scars will be reopened. And all the progress we have made towards The Dream�will be shot down.

    What will it do to an already hurt country, how will people gain hope again.

    Right now there is some crazy Hill-Billy Vietnam vet loading his gun. In absolute horror that a black Communist Muslim Terrorist re-incarnated Sadam Husain . is about to take over the country because of what the republicans have been saying. Im shore he�s picking out a grassy knoll. And when he pulls the trigger, I can hear him say �no you can�t�.