Bartosh's Forum Posts

  • Ha. Thats Crazy, i didn't even know anybody played that game i made(1:42), yet alone went through the trouble to post a video of it online. and it apparently runs horribly on other peoples computers. would have been nice to know. oh well.

    that would be awesome if Scirra did an official Show reel. even if its after 1.0. I need to start working on it now. i got to lot of sprucing up to make something worth showing.

  • that is freaky

  • i originally made it for artillery in an rts like game I've been working out the mechanics to, but i'm not planning on seriously working on that until v1.0 comes out.

    but i think it would be fun to make some little defense game with it.

  • thanks

  • Here?s a nifty isometric projectile physics engine I?ve been working on.

    Direct control: basically like an isometric version of worms or scorched earth or SoldjahBoy?s tonks , were you control the angle and velocity of your shot.


    Intercept mode: if it has enough power the shot from the cannon will hit the crosshairs at the appropriate height (in theory). Ideal for computer controlled projectile launchers.

    (i never quit got this one down, i never could find the formula to hit a target below the point of launch)

    Controls: hold left mouse button to charge up your shots, let go to fire.

    Mouse wheel to change the shots angle

    Up / down arrows to change your elevation

    Left / right arrows for more precise power controls

    It?s by no means prefect, as I am no programmer. And it crashes intermittently for reasons I still haven?t figured out.

    but its still pretty neat

  • I hear Slime and Fuzzy Tree friendships are the purest form of friendship.

    i like it, but the light source on your blob and tree don't quite match up.

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  • Thats awesome.

  • thats awesome,

    helpful tip for people making canvas split screen, put all the objects in a family and paste the family, it save the trouble of making multiple actions, and to my surprise it places them in the proper order .

  • thats cool, cant wait to see what direction you take the art in. if the back ground is any indication, its gonna be good.

  • woot

  • yep that works. thanks, i knew it had to be something simple like that for me to be the only one with the problem.

    and as for my old games, all there files were automatically placed in the sound and music folder.

    but i have to ask. Whats the point of having a sound and music folder, if it only loads for file folder?

  • Did I miss something...

    the sound on my older games i had worked on stopped working several releases ago. I just figured it had something to do with an upgrade to the xaudio 2 object that caused all my old actions to be obsolete or something, but i just realized in my new project that xaudio 2 just doesn�t work. it wont find resources, it doesn�t play files in the folder, nothing.

    Its kind of funny I didn�t even notice till now, event though the sound stopped at least two months ago

    I guess thats because ive just been focusing on making the various sprites and art for the game

    Is there something I need to do to use my audio resources now? Or is this an actual bug.

  • thats bad *** looking, cant wait to see if flying is now flying, instead of crashing and exploding.

  • sweet

    as for applying it to a rts i imagine you'd create the group point and placer for the group after selecting them then issuing an move order, than assign a value of to the group and group point of what group they are so you could have multiple squads moving to deferent places.

    also seems with some tweaking you could use the same idea for having pre-selectable formations like box and wedge ect.

  • I wasn't even worried about the angle, just the relative position but, wow.

    thanks so much

    yeah, with out rotating angles the units tend to keep there formation. then when you need to rotate a direction you do it before they move. as far as moving in formation in angles with custom formations, i don't think I've ever seen it done.