Hi all,
I looked at the two example projects suggested above, but neither one does what I intend to do.
On the exit of my room, I have a sprite "sprExit00_00_00", where the first two "00" stands for the room number, the second two for the X position number and the last two for the Y position number. This sprite is invisible.
I add an event to that sprite:
On collision with sprPlayer
-> System: Set scroll X to cintStartPosX_Laby01+cintViewPortShift_X
The viewport is 768 pixels wide, and the value of cintViewPortShift_X is 1152.
I do not understand why the viewport shift is 1152 instead of 768 which is the actual width of the viewport and layout.
I have about 120 rooms in my game, with at least 2 exits but also 4 are possible. So I will have more than 300 sprites in my layouts, which handle the transition process of the room.
Also, when the player is in one room, he is not allowed to see the next room until he goes through the openings.
Despite the fact those exit sprites work, I think this is not a good way of doing this.
Please, can you give me some advice or a method of how I can switch rooms without giving the next room away until the player touched the invisible exit sprite?
Thank you so much for your help which is appreciated.