Hi Ironz,
Thank you for your reply which I appreciate so much.
What I want to accomplish and fail is to make the green option objects invisible, while the result object become visible. Whatever I do, they become all visible or invisible.
Both the options and solution are in the same sprite. I can resolve this problem by putting the options and the resolution in a separate sprite.
However, that will only partly solve my problem. When the player click an option, for a short time, it needs to show another colour. For that, I need a clear reference to the choosen option.
On this moment, I changed the structure of the game and created for each option and the solution a separate sprite. However, for a safe future, I need to know how to reference and access each individual option in the same sprite group.
Until your reply, I didn't think much about an instance variable holding the correct/incorrect result. The correct/incorrect answer is on this moment stored in the database, so a reference between the instance variable and the database is a very good idea.
Thank you for your information, which I value very much.
Kind regards,