austin's Forum Posts

  • C-7 added to my todo list

    NECROKRIEG does it work if you upload the files to I think it might be an http vs https issue, and if it works on, that would confirm it

  • Aphrodite That's correct. The only other thing you would have to do is call the purchase game action if they haven't purchased it :)

    0plus1 That's because closing it logs them in as anonymous. Regardless, the API already detects if the user is logged into, and displays the login box if they're not, so you shouldn't need that event.

  • tipztv you shouldn't have to do any checking if the user is logged in when posting a score, should take care of that. The reason it does turn to one is closing that box logs the user in as anonymous. The most recent version of the plugin is 0.4.4 (check the README file, the documentation page isn't updated as often - takes a decent bit of time to do so).

    chef - responded on the forum

  • tipztv I may not have included the most recent clay.js and api.css in the plugin folder. Updated it, maybe that will solve things? Which splash screen are you talking about? Unless it's the custom loader I put in, shouldn't affect the loading of the game itself.

    Snooba - are you trying to call any specific functions before is ready (a separate condition)? This might happen if you try calling the player login before the plugin has loaded (player login is actually called at the beginning if the player is logged out regardless)

  • tipztv are you still having that issue? Nothing was changed that would have caused that, but I'm starting to do a changelog in the plugin from now on.

    Also made a change that should hide the social login options from WP8, but don't have a means to test it, so can you let me know if that hides them for you?

  • The best I can do for the positioning is be on par with the Construct 2 text-input plugin. The reason being the ads are on a different layer from the game canvas.

    Updated the plugin to fix the positioning issues - they were occurring for games that didn't stretch to full screen. Let me know if that fixes the issues you all were having.

  • Try with the updated version of the plugin :)

    Also, you can reach me more easily here:

  • theames - I think I recall someone saying it did work with BB10, but you'll have to see for yourself as I don't have anything to test it with :)

    tipztv - nope, not sure that's something worth doing either since you could just manually map the leaderboard ID to the name, no?

  • Cost per click, Cost per Action, Cost for Mil (thousand impressions) :)

  • MadScientist - it's updated once a day at midnight. It's not completely based on CPC/PPC, we go through CPMStar which is a mix of CPC, CPA (actions) and CPM (impressions)

    SpacialPumpkin I've updated the main plugin with what *should* fix this. If it didn't, let me know and email me the console logs in VS -

  • Salvo776 is it back completely to normal now? Unfortunately that scroll will probably still be there though.

  • SpacialPumpkin - do you have AdBlock on?

    Unfortunately I don't have control over how the ad links act, so they cannot be opened in a browser window. I've updated the plugin to not show ads at all in Node Webkit. It still works in the other exports.

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  • MadScientist it worked for me with your capx (Node-webkit export, minified). Are you sure you copied over the plugin directory correctly?

    As a side note, it looks like I'll have to disable ads in node-webkit because the advertisements aren't opened up in the browser (and we don't have control over that)

  • The plugin has been updated - tested it with your capx and it works now. I also tested node-webkit and that works as well

  • Will look into both of these later this afternoon