Aurel's Forum Posts

  • Candid question.

    Let's say 90% of the C2 users love C2 because it's simple, fast, and allow to focus on your game production while a brilliant mind/puppetmaster hides behind the scene. Couldn't something like this make sense to avoid beginner's mistakes with *dt and lerp?

    Most of the users could use these presets, and if in need of more control, switch to the lerp expression.

    When I see how crazy simple some C2 operations can be (the incredible save system, the shaders, the behaviors presets...), I really think it would completely fit with the core C2 audience. Without taking anything from the pros.

    Stupid idea?

  • To end this story, I just made the timescale check everywhere I could in the game: 2 events had a dangerous use of *dt.

    (Too bad you could see their effect in the very first level of the game *cough*)

    Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.

  • Yes, Refeuh is giving the most useful advice here. Apply this kind of hitboxes to your bullets / shots:

  • Oh, and thanks Ashley for the timescale test.

    The game is using timescale a lot BUT on the 2 events which make the game crazy.

    I'm using your idea to be sure the fix will work, thanks again.

  • If you really have to make some small and very fast objects, try "is overlaping -name of the other object, trigger once while true > destroy -name of your fast object-" instead of the classic collision event.

    it solved many of my problems for people playing with a bad framerate.

  • Aphrodite newt Allright, pretty clear in my head now. Thanks again, guys. And also to everyone else who patiently tried to explain : )

    Let's get rid of these useless *dt in some events, and add it where it could be missing or done wrong.

    (I'm editing the 1st post to write the answer in plain text: I was making things wrong.)

  • newt Thank you! That I can understand, super helpful : )))

    (Sorry if I sound like a dumb 8 years boy. It must be super irritating for you guys, really sorry. But picture someone who never did any math at school due to a cursus only focused on arts. I'm wayyyyy behind you all.)

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  • Thanks a billion for all your answers. This is really kind of you all to take the time to have a look at this.

    Like Kamizoto, you got me lost pretty fast, but I understand the most important:

    • the game goes crazy only because I used *dt in events where I shouldn't, and I couldn't notice it before because 30-60 fps is a low variation compared to 60-120 tick per second.
    • You can't code a game if you **** at mathematics, even with C2. I have to learn what I skipped at school as I was making fun of the geeks. Payback time, I guess!

    I don't know if it makes sense, but here's a sincere feedback from a regular C2 user who ***** at math.

    The dt guide is very well written, and when you read it, you think(*dt) you understand it. I've read it, I don't know, maybe 50 or 60 times.

    But when you have to write tons of events, it would be so nice to have charts you can quickly reference to. Here on the forum, or even better inside C2.

    Something like this:

    lerp to an angle, use this:

    lerp to a position, use this:

    lerp to speed, use this:

    lerip to scale, use this:

    lerp to variable value, use this:

    every tick events: don't use if this and this. Use if this and this.

    every X second: don't use.

    I must sound super lazy to most of you, and I definitely understand this, but for average users it would be a freaking life saver.

  • Kamizoto is explaining things way better than me : )

    But yeah, basically that's it: all +60*dt events don't make any sense on 120hz. And then... game broken : /

  • This is my very first game with C2, so me making something wrong with DT is ***HIGHLY*** possible!

    That's why I'm asking, to know if every C2 games behave this way, or if have to work harder on some of my *dt events : )

    Streaming is causing problems on the game if perfs are too low (the usual frameskip visual issues with janks if you get <40fps), but also when the perfs are too high.

    I'm sure I can do something for case 2!

    There's this event where I never could figure how to put *dt correctly in it:

    " lerp(layoutscale,0.65,4*dt) "

    Any professor to teach me? : )

    I read the *dt guide many, many times, but I'm never sure how tu use *dt when it's not only related to X and Y. It's like the rules change for every case.

  • Do you guys tried your games on 120Hz monitors?

    Some people are reporting how my game goes bananas on it, it's like "every tick" events are executed twice, even with *dt on it.

    If they switch the monitor back to 60hz, everything's fine.

    Thanks : )

    EDIT: as written below, the point of this thread is to know if I'm making something wrong or if 120hz monitors are incompatible with C2 games.

    SPOILER: As mentioned later in this thread, C2 games should work ok with 120hz, if you handle your delta time operations correctly.

    As very useful post for beginners can be found here:

  • Thanks! Much appreciated : )

  • Ah ah, It's so nice to see people playing it at last : ))))

    I'm so happy right now.

    I'm eager to start to work on the addtional missions and multiplayer. I have a few bugs to fix before that, but fantastic launch so far.

    Ashley Tom I can't thank Construct2 enough for making this possible! Love you guys!!

  • PC and Mac available day one!

    Linux is still complicated, be sure I'll bug the C2 community and cry for help pretty soon, ah ah : )))

  • This would be super useful indeed! : )