Attan's Forum Posts

  • Dammit! I'm going to buy a new graphics card as soon as i can. i really need ps2! Could someone create a non-ps version in the meantime?

  • Absolutely awsome update! However, to use the dynamic lights in a good way you should be able to use it in combination with the multiply effect, and in that way create dynamic "real" light. When i use multiply in combination with the light object it *ucks up everything.

    Edit:Ignore. Stupid post.

  • Oh, i didn't think about that! I very often post threads where i check if things really is a bug, or just me doing something wrong. But when i get the answer it is a bug i almost never submit it to the bug tracker... Will do that from now on.

  • Perhaps it wouldn't be too much to ask for a plugin that can load 3D models (such as md2 files, etc.)? Would that be possible or does that sound pretty unreasonable? I've always wanted to make a 2.5D platform game.

    This has been suggested maany times. Make a search for it.

  • Yeah... wanna trade a jOh?

  • Whatever you do, make sure you have your game planned out before coding! One of the biggest time killers I had in the past was making a game and adding new events in each of the 20+ levels because I wanted a new feature. What a mess! In short:

    1. Plan Game (Engine) on paper

    2. Basic Graphics/Animations needed for engine

    3. Engine!

    chuga chuga chugga gewdd luck!

    That's no problem now with event cheets, but you still gotta plan your game out.

  • HAHAHAHAHA!!! You gotta write what year you're currently at in each build!

  • Sweet

  • If i get you right you aren't asking for "pathfinding" aka, finding the best way from one point to another with a bunch of obstackles in the way. You're talking about the "path-movement" aka, making an object follow a specific path. I can't answer your question, but i can clearify for those who can.. or fail miserabely in my attempts to look smart.

  • This is how i do it.

    Method 1- The Throw-something-together-method.

    1: Before you actually have the game planned out even in your head; Start working on an engine.

    2: Create the graphics for every new object as soon as you add them.

    3: Come up with new ideas along the way. This will probably result in many situations where you have to remake parts of the code, use ugly workarounds and use the debugger a lot.

    4: Now your code is probably very messed up, your game is full of bugs, and you don't reall know yet what you want the game to end up like. You now have three ways to go.

    4-1: Abandon your game.

    4-2: Iron out the worst bugs, make a coupple of levels, and post the result as "Something i threw together in a few hours" in the Your Creations part of the forum.

    4-3: Take all the ideas you had, and write them down as part 1 and 2 of the Big-project method. You might want to keep some parts of the code too, but don't copy them! rewrite everything from the beginning, if you don't know exactly what everything does. Ther's a big risk if you copy the code that it will still be as messy and hard to understand as your first attempt.

    Method 2- The big-project method.

    1: Come up with a good game idea.

    2: Write down all the plans for the game. What every enemy should do, what the character will be able to do, the story, etc. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO DO!

    3: Start working with the code. Begin with the hardest parts, and work your way town to the easiest parts. It's allso good to start with the movement and abilitys for the main character so that you can test your game easily.

    4: If you feel like it, start working on the important parts of the artwork, but continue working on the code.

    5: As soon as the engine is playable, start with the level design. Many games come this far, but people tend to give up as soon as the engine is finnished. Many people like to build levels, so a good tip is to ask for help with this step to stop you from abandoning your game.

    6: You will probably be working on the artwork and leveldesign at the same time since you will be adding new things to your new levels. In the end of the game you will probably be working on both graphics, levels and code at the same time.

    7: Finnish the game. THIS IS ALSO IMPORTANT!

  • He doesn't want THIS:

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    He want THIS!

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  • When i try to look at a users profile i get redirected to the board index. Anyone else got this problem?

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  • I think the present design of the scirra homepage is great! I like it better then the italian one. The italian one looks too advertisy. It looks like a pop-up window about an online casino or something.. It doesn't give you the comfortable feeling that does.

  • Nothing happened.. This thread has just been posted before. Wouldn't be that wierd, if it wasn't the same user who posted it.. Haha, did you forget that you allready posted the exact same topic gullanian?

  • Dog X greater then Ball1 X

    *Dog X lower then Ball2 X

    -Move together


    -Move back again.

    Or is that how the else event works?