Attan's Forum Posts

  • What he said. All of it. ^

  • It's hard to understand (despite the bold text) what you mean by permanently. I didn't get it, and there are new users here who might as well have asked for the destroy action. It is after all permanently deleted if you haven't saved it somewhere.

  • Not necessarily negative, more like realistic. Sure it might be a possibility on 2.0, but for now adding that would have a few hurdles. Especially when dealing with zoom, right now that is really messed up when placing tiles. Not to mention how the ide would have to change.

    Are you talking about the "pick a sprite and klick to insert" system, or the full feature level editor? I doubt the first alternative would require much work.

  • I can agree that it's not that essential to have a good way of handeling tile-sets, but a better way than Ctrl dragging IS essential. Right now people are just making engines, so it's no problem now, but when creating levels it is.

    I'm just saying it would be a HUGE improvement and would probably not require much work at all to add a checkbox where you toggeled "painting" or something. Where you can click out the sprites instead of ctrl+dragging them.

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  • Attan-Sweden

    Can't believe i'm the first one... ther's usually a bunch of sweeds. Anyways, i think konjak is swedish too.

  • Actually I prefer Control+v to a painting type of action, as painting will often add multiple objects all in one place.

    But of course the painting action would not add more then one at the same place... It wouldn't even have to be painting. Just clicking the sprites out would be better then it is now.

  • Ah, I missed the original, so i got kinda confused.

  • I think there are lots of things that could be made for easier level editing, but the painting option alone would be a big improvement. And that can't be very hard to add.

  • I've seen those things, and sure it helps, but still.

    (btw. David, i love your little videos! keep making them, even if it's not super important, it's still usefull to see how you work with things.)

  • Based on the low feedback, I've decided to stop creating the tutorials.0

    Huh? You're not the one creating the tutorials... And on the translating thing, do you mean you get low feedback from us or from the guys you're translating it for?

  • That wouldn't be correct. I would have to make my image 2*2 pixels with my hotspot in the lower right corner for it to actually be in the center. It's still wierd. It's not really a bug or a problem, it's just something that i think should be corrected.

  • snap to grid and ctrl+drag is in mmf too, so in this area it's not one step ahead, and this is an important area.

  • Hi!

    Wasn't there some talk a while ago about improving the level editing in construct? This would really take construct a step ahead of other game-making tools since right now everything is a hell to make levels with, and a hell to make level editors with.

    I'm thinking about a "level edit-mode" or something. I'm sure people could come up with really good ways to handle tilesets, private variables (which would be good to have in the level edtor) and practical tools (like simply a way to pick a sprite and draw with it on a grid, or a flood fill).

    Right now it's a hell to make levels.

    (and making levels is a big part of most games. That results in "making most games with construct is a hell" and that's not good, since it limits the games that most people make to: Value('all games')-value('most games') and what's left isn't as many games as we would wish to have...)

  • of course the hotspot is only one pixel wide, but the problem is: I'm enlarging the sprite to 32*32, and then mirroring it, wich moves the sprite 32 pixels. And in that case it is missleading to show the hotspot in the middle of the sprite when it's zoomed in in the image editor, but in the corner when you exit the image editor.

  • Sweet! Really practical and usefull plugin. good work! Seems to work fine for me, the only problem is that in the last example (with the two moving objects) the camera seems to be shaking in the transition.