ashburp's Forum Posts

  • I have a large game that uses large sprites. The code is minimal because the game will be submitted for the student Adobe competition in the game category in a few weeks and they want to focus on the art side of things. I wan't to showcase the art which is being made in photoshop so the levels and sprites are large (the main sprite is 128x128 and the level is 11520x6580). Should I use several Large tilemaps on 2-3 layers that are large (1024x1024, each tile is 256x256 in size) or should I just draw a few large sprites that fit together to create the "floating islands" in my game?

    any help would be apprecitated

  • I don't if I can post images yet but if I can theres an example of a tile. It could easily be broken down further.

  • that works for me. I was messing around with the tiles and realized that a 16 tiled tile map with 512x512 tiles is way to limiting as well. I can reduce the tiles to 128x128 or maybe even 96x96 to have more freedom with the city background layout. thanks for the help.

  • okay thank you the tilemap which has the 512x512 tiles, and they all repeat several times. I just wasn't sure if that was just a ridiculous size.

  • just wondering if it would be more effecient to use a 2048x2048 sprite or tiling background instead of a 2048x2048 tilemap that has sections that are 512x512. I can definitely break the tilemap down to something around 64x64 or 128x128 tiles.

    just wondering if it would make that much difference?

  • I've been using construct 2 for a couple years messing around and experimenting. I have a game that uses the line of sight behavior and I want to know how to split the cone of view into sections (three at the most)

    it would go like this:

    -player has a cone of view that's 180 deg. and when player has line of sight, I want it to be able to divide it into three chunks. so if the player comes upon the enemy, it will fall somewhere in the three sections (left,forward,right) and then respond accordingly (run left, run forward, run right)

    -I've tried several things but I can't figure out how to get enemy.x and enemy.y within the cone of view sections correctly. Using angles is not really working and I was hoping to avoid pinning a bunch of sprites to the main characters and enemies.

    any help or ideas, no matter how off the wall would be greatly appreciated.


  • i had the same problems but i came up with a solution of my own it works fairly well. hope it helps someone.

    this is the code:


    here is the pics of it working:


    I used the physics characteristic on the orange bar that attaches to the character, and the blue square that that holds the orange bar in place.

    here are there behaviors:


    there are still some graphical kinks to work out like position and animation, but it does the trick technically.

  • this is a picture of my game in development.


    it looks a little stiff for what I was wanting. my question is should I draw the buildings and cut them up into tiles or should I just use a couple of larger sprites? also, is there a difference in performance when using several large sprites (600x800) as opposed to tilemapping?

  • My ultimate game is one that has been rattling around in my brain for years. It would be set in an underground lab and you would start off my creating a very simple monster that would begin life in an incubation tube.

    You would choose from a list of basic abilities and would be assigned a random weakness and try to escape the lab. Every time I see a monster in a movie that is just human science gone wrong, I always sympathize with the monster. People made it that way, then they keep it locked up and experiment on it!

    I would love if the game would start off small, being played mostly as a sneaking game, and end up a huge city-levelling Godzilla romp.

    that would be awesome. kinda like a survival game meets Rampage game.

  • I'm making a game about a schizophrenic homeless guy in this castlevania ish style. I really like what your doing with the map, the character art, and the sprites. I want to play this.

  • okay, I plan on making a pretty decent sized game. I've just been making the characters move list and regular functions now (128 events). things are starting to get a little unorganized. I think I'll redo everything as instance variables since they only pertain to the one character and use a global variable to control the progress of the character in the game. Thanks for the help FragFather and for reminding me about families.

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  • I'd make a 2-d game with sprite animation from vanillaware (without the dragons crown overthetop designs) level/world design like super metroid/symphony of the night just more detailed/varied, tight responsive gameplay with plenty of combos, enemy ai that didn't suck, a story that is actually interesting, and a simple/clean leveling system not bogged down with a thousand gear pickups.

  • hey all, I'm not technically a beginner but I'm still a novice when it comes to construct. I have a platformer that uses timers to control the input from the user during an attack animation. the "attack" timer is set 0.5 seconds and the structure looks like this


    i have global variables controlling the attacks but my question is would it be better to control the player with instance variables since these moves only apply to him. I plan on adding about 5-6 more combos, so would it be better to create a global variable, say called combo power up, to control the characters abilities as they are learned throughout the game. like: if global variable "attackpowerup" = 2 then add the 4th attack in the combo. just curious and any help would be much appreciated.

  • hey I've been messing around with it a little. i an image point set to the end of a whip during an animation frame. the image point on the animation creates a sprite with the pin behavior (rope style). the player also has the same pin behavior that attaches it to the sprite. I used this setup to swing. its wonky but I'm getting there.

    i plan on using the joystick on a game pad to change the direction in vectors to mimic the swing. when the player is at the point of release, I'm going to use button released on the gamepad to unpin everything. I'm still experimenting but I'll let you know how it goes if your still interested..

  • thanks for taking the time to play it, I really appreciate that. now that schools over I finally have time to work on a game I want to make.