ashburp's Forum Posts

  • Just trying to figure out how I should set up dialogue when interacting with another character. I have the a cursor appear above the Npc's head when the player is in range. when the a button is pressed the players time scale goes to 0 to freeze him in place. when i hit the button again i want to set and display a different text, then hit the same button again to exit the conversation. pretty standard stuff but i seem to be having a problem. any help would be appreciated.

  • yeah sorry I'm messing with udk now for the class but I'll find it and post it next week sometime.

  • this is a game my partner and I made in roughly two weeks. Really rough in some areas but its turned in and reasonably complete.

    it on the chrome web store here: ... acipblpccn

  • okay here is the drop box link to the cap.x file ... tHelp.capx

    should be under the frog enemy group

  • hey just got it working with one problem, the enemy doesn't face left. I'll fix it tonight and post a link to the dropbox tomorrow. also you have to do an every x seconds (under the system like every 0.5 seconds find path to player.X and player.Y) so the enemy will constantly find a path to the player.

  • I think I may have figured it out on my way to work.

    while Enemey has line of sight ----> find path to player.x and player.y

    ----> move along path


    while moving along path


    enemy.x > player.x ---> then animate "left"

    enemy.x < player.x----> then anmate "right"


    enemy.y> player.y +200 ---->animate "up"

    enemy.y< player.y -200 ---->animate "down"

    granted its kinda hokey and I may have the y positions kinda screwed up but in theory i think it might work or be kinda close. I don't know. I'll have to mess with it when I get home.

  • I'm using the line of sight behavior to check if the player is within range, then I set the pathfinding behavior to find a path to players x and y every 0.5 seconds and move along path to player. I have animations for up down left and right for the enemy, but the problem is I have no idea how to get that enemy to face the correct direction as it moves towards the player. I have tried referencing the players angle but it doesn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • great design and use of colors. can't wait to play it.

  • I may try an & event because I was hoping to avoid using variables for movement but if that doesn't work I guess ill have too. Thanks for the help.

  • i have the animations working correctly for up, down, left, and right, but when I hit the up and right arrows the animation freezes( while the player is still moving correctly because I have the animations pinned). do I just need to make diagonal directions if I want it to move with the 8 directional behaviour to eliminate the wonkiness or is there a way to just use 4 directions.

  • very true. I have to make a second game for the class and now that I've had a lot of trial and error, I think you're right about the process being shortened.

    thanks again for looking.

    btw, I like the fact that you're game doesn't reset the coins when you die. it would have been brutal to try and buy anything in the shop.

  • thanks for the playing and thanks for the constructive criticism, Its much appreciated. Sucks that it crashed when you were trying to get to the boss. the score is in your pause menu and is updated every time you destroy a monster, but I probably should have said something about that somewhere, or just made it visible on the hud.

    I'll keep plugging away, and try to fix some of those problems.

  • just finished a school demo that I spent about 100 hours on (I think)

    please take a look and tell me what you think. ... bonjfihhci

  • sorry, I borrowed a card from a friend and it worked the first time. I have no idea. thanks again for the help and replies.

  • I just bought the paid version so I'm learning about families and what not. I have different names for the sprites and I'm working on making sure they all have the same actions. the families feature is pretty sweet.