artbava's Forum Posts

  • Sorry to post another time, but just to let you know, the problem was gone when i roll back to C2 v. 239.

    Still don't know why though...

  • Have you solved your issue? I'm facing a similar one, but what was unauthorized was a video (.webm)...

  • Hi,

    My game runs perfectly on C2, but after exporting to intel XDK, it just don't run on the emulator. I've tryed to test it on my Android device and it won't run as well.

    So i've decided to run the debug and it shows this errors:

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode ... c2runtime.js:18226 - |let browserInstance = null;|

    Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined ...index.html:78 - |cr_createRuntime("c2canvas"); |

    I have no idea what to do with this. May someone help me, please?

    Thanks in advance!

    ps. using C2 release 240

    UPDATE: Found a closed bug that is just the same issue i'm having...but it is supposed to be fixed...just for reference:

    i'm not using minify script...

  • Hey Triforce,

    Thank you for your reply! In fact the score is supposed to grow from a small size to a bigger size. I also use fade behavior, so it fade in, start to grow and the second after, it fade out... doing so for each point. The fade is ok, the problem is with the sine's size movement (including width and height).

    I still can do this with every tick/seconds-> set size...etc, but i thought that may be i'm missing something with the sprite font object or with the sine behavior...

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to achieve a growing effect for a sprite font. I'm using sine behavior (size) to make it grow, but it didn't work. All others effects works, but not this. Why? Can you help me please?

    Thanks in advance!

  • 99instances2Go - really thank you for the capx and ideas, i appreciated and learned new things! Your solution, i think, is the most affordable one in my game's scenario.

    DerpyDev - i also appreciated you suggestions, Didn't tried it yet, but i will. Wonder why we can't specify the object to unpin, as we can do with the pin behavior.

    Best regards!

  • HI guys,

    I'm using one sprite (ball shadow) pinned to another (ball itself), and the ball pinned to a backgroung image sprite. What i'm trying to achieve is when the user clicks on the ball, it falls down and roll around.

    The problem is when i use unpin to unpin the ball from the background sprite it also unpin the shadow from the ball... i wish i could unpin the ball from the background sprite, but not the shadow from the ball.

    Is there a way to do that?


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  • Thank you very much! As im not familiarized with IOS, i didn't know about it.


  • Come on guys....i know you have published many games and probably faced this situation as well. May you please help me!

  • Hi,

    My game didn't close on IOS devices. The browser.close action can't close IOS browser for some reason.

    this was posted a year ago as a temporary solution

    is there some fix for this?

    What i'm supposed to do to allow the user to quit the app? I already published this app for android and it works fine.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Any thoughts? Some plugin? please help me!


  • Have you tried the com-admob-plugin-cordova?

  • I've tried the com-admob-plugin-cordova, but i can't assure you it is working, but if you do not tried it yet i think it worth. The intel XDK emulate tab only shows blackscreen. Have all this plugins installed:

    1) cordova-plugin-device

    2) cordova-plugin-file

    3) cordova-plugin-httpd

    4) cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

    5) cordova-plugin-media

    6) cordova-plugin-splashscreen

    7) cordova-plugin-statusbar

    8) cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine

    and the already mentioned com-admob-plugin-cordova

    I have publish my game about a month ago on google play, but until now i just can't publish for IOS.

    Any help or news will be much appreciated. Thanks!

  • Any solution until now for the blackscreen? I also experiencing this on emulate tab.

    Thank you!

  • So does admob work on iOS or just web published games? And in Win10?

    i would like to know as well.