artbava's Forum Posts

  • Cordova apps are architecture neutral so you don't need to do anything - they already support both 32-bit and 64-bit, and always have.

    If you add plugins that use native code though, they might need updating. I don't think any of the defaults, or anything built-in to Construct, uses any native code. So it's only something to check with any third-party addons you use.

    I also have received this message from Google Play. And eventhough my app can run on 64bits, Google Play want us to upload an specific apk for it. Which i really don't know how to do it. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


  • Ashley,

    It is working! No problems at all. You can close it as solved! Thank you very much!

    It is incredibly difficult to deal with bug reports like this. Please see the bug report guidelines. Is there any way you can reduce the project or isolate the part that isn't working?

    Although i've read the guidelines, i apologize again for this.

    My best wishes...

  • Ashley,

    First of all, thank you very much for your effort on this!

    I have to apologize but i've tried to reduce the game, but i ended with a non working state. I have to confess that this game was made two years ago, and i was pretty much more familiarized with the events and stuff. Now i can barely understand the logic behind my own events! (shame on me). Maybe if you give me more time, i'll try to do my best on it... i'm really sorry for this.

    Btw, i tested the new version and unfortunately it give me another error, wich i'm pasting here.

    This is happening on collision. I'll be glad to provide you any other information you may need.

    Thanks again!

  • Problem Description

    ____ A concise description of your problem here ____

    Collisions related issue. Some objects are being destroing when coliiding with others.

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    This is the working game version which is already published on Google Play. It is a soccer game.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - It is for touch devices. But you can still use the mouse to shoot the ball in any direction. Observed Result ____ What happens? ____ When the ball collides with the pins or the borders it dissapears scoring a goal. Doesn't matter it's direction. Expected Result ____ What do you expect to happen? ____ What happens before the version 257 is that the ball hit at the pins and borders changing its direction or even stopping, depending on the force applied. Affected Browsers All Operating System and Service Pack ____ Your operating system and service pack ____ Windows 10 Home version 1709 Construct 2 Version ID ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____ Steam version of Construct 2 release r257
  • No, not the latest, but the beta release r. 241. The strange thing is that my son's already has marshmallows on his android phone and it works fine there. Something went wrong with the update for sure, but i can't figure out what. System is working well and all others games i have seems to have improved performance, but i'm not sure, as i didn't make any real test on my device.

    Anyway, i will do as you suggested and re-build my app with the latest stable version of C2.

    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    I have two games published on Google app store. A few days ago, my phone just updated from lollipop 5.1 to marshmallow 6.0.1 and now none of my C2 games works anymore. It starts and hangs just after the splashscreen. I know this probably has nothing to do with C2, as they were working before the update, but i would like to know if any of you guys have experienced something like this and/or may know/suspect what could went wrong? Any help will be appreciated.


    Edited: In fact i've noticed that the game is running, but at very slow frames, so it seems to be freeze. Other thing i've noticed, is when switching through other aplications it seems to run a bit faster, that is how i've could notice that the game is still running.

  • Thank you Ashley!

    Btw, i'm honored...

    Best wishes!

  • Hi,

    i'm publishing my C2 game on apple store, already uploaded my project to apple store, but i don't know what to answer in the Export Compliance, if my app uses cryptography or not?

    I just used C2 for building my game, but as i do not clearly know what is going on behind the scene on C2, i need to know if C2 use some encryption, cryptography or not.

    Can you help me with that?


  • [quote:evfsdt8w]

    Same here.

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to publish my game on IOS with the latest intel xdk. I can build the app without problems, but in the simulate tab it stucks on a black screen. But as the simulate tab is not a real device, i installed it on my IOS device (IOS 9.3.2) but it only shows a blackscreen after the splashscreen. After debugging the app on simulate tab, one of the errors pointed me to something related to Admob plugin and another error pointed to WKwebview (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'messageHandlers' of undefined ... plugins/cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine/src/www/ios/ios-wkwebview-exec.js:123)

    So i decide to remove the Admob plugin from intel xdk, wkwebview plugin still there, then the game runs fine on the simulate tab and on the device. But with no ads (of course). I was using 'cordova-plugin-ad-admob' for ads, also tried 'cordova-plugin-admob', without success.

    Then i tried to reinstall the 'cordova-plugin-ad-admob', still the same, so i removed WKwebview from plugins and it worked as well. Showing ads!

    This 2 plugins are not working together?!!!

    As a last try, i installed Cordova Admobfree plugin for C2, made the changes to the C2 code and tried with it...exported, added intel xdk plugin 'cordova-plugin-admob-free'...still a blackscreen!

    Just to give you some more details:

    • I'm using C2 personal v. 241(Steam), Win10-64bit, Intel XDK 3759;
    • Tried exporting with and without minifying + WKwebview;
    • There is no problem in the game code cause it is already published on google play. I did remember to change the Banner and Intersticial ID's on C2, test mode 'true'.

    Some help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  • Well, sorry, i'm mistaken, but only regarding PC's, which runs any C2 game really well. But for mobiles i still have my doubts...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sry, but i don't think construct 2 could handle a game like that. With so many particles and effects and player animations... and still high fps... just in my dreams LOL

  • Hello,

    Im getting this error "failed to load resource the server responded with a status of 401 (unauthorized)" on intel XDK simulate tab. It happens when a video is supposed to be played. All files are ok (webm, ogv, mp4) and inside the www / media folder.

    I've already used debug tab, and in this scenario the video play just fine. After building it, it shows the same thing that apeared on the simulate tab, stucked in a white screen...

    Any toughts on this?

    Thanks in advance!

    EDITED 12/03/16:

    Just a i need a cordova plugin for playing video?

  • The image is 1280x720. I just need to use it as a single tiled background (in the sake of saving me some cpu resources). I do not need to repeat it over and over.

    Do you recomend to split it anyway, even if not using tiled background?

    Anyway spliting the image will not work for me as tiled background, there is no pattern to be repeated.

  • I'm trying to improve the performance of my game. I have a single image as a background that cover almost all the scene. First, i decided to place it as a sprite..., then I read in the forums that i could have used tiled background to improve the performance.

    So my question is, would it be better even if there is only a single image (not repetitions of it) to justify the use of tiled background in this case?