Arima's Forum Posts

  • What do you need in WP? I probably will be able to help you. Used to do it professionally.

    Thanks for the offer, but I'm using the software I linked to instead. It's basically exactly what I want.

  • Getting that working was crazy complicated. Basically it involved using physics to push units out from each other as it's the best push out method for crowds.

    Details if I remember them correctly, it's been a while since I worked on it:

    Physics is cpu intensive so I was activating and deactivating physics for each unit depending on the distance to the next closest unit.

    Had two movement methods, one updated physics velocities for movement when physics was on, event driven movement when physics was off

    Was going to implement path obstruction via updating the path finding collision grid, stopped working on it before that feature was implemented

    Had an idea for units to take turns getting though a small passageway if going opposing directions, some units would be designed to ignore that on purpose and shove everything it could out of the way

    Used path finding, stored nodes in array

    Would cycle through instances and have them reevaluate if they've made progress on their path since the last check. If not, check for path again. If still no progress after some amount of time, move somewhere else.

    This was pretty hard to implement and it wasn't perfect either, but it was the best I had managed.

  • I've been trying to make a website lately and hated Wordpress. It didn't allow me the customization I wanted, and I didn't want to have to try a thousand different themes to find one that was set up correctly. I am however new to Wordpress, and so possibly misunderstood how to use it.

    Regardless, I recommend this: I just tried it and it's similar in feel to C2, has lots of great features, drag and drop placement, isn't too expensive, has a free demo and you can even incorporate a C2 game as an element of a page rather than using C2 for the entire page itself without too much difficulty.

  • I tried it, at first it wasn't noticable but I added a long platform across the whole layout to avoid the node webkit freezing problem, and I think there's maybe a delay of maybe 1-3 ticks between pressing jump and jumping with gpu lag on, and it's not there when it's off and cpu lag is on. It doesn't seem to happen every jump, though. I found it more noticable when moving and jumping than when just jumping. It's slight enough and happens intermittently enough that it's kind of hard to be sure it's a real effect sometimes. I can try two jumps in a row and the first convinces me it's a problem and the second makes me doubt my assessment of the first. I dunno, maybe it's just less pronounced on my computer.

    I haven't noticed the problem in my games, possibly also because I've tried to make sure they all run at or close enough to 60 fps on my machine, and any time they dip below it's almost always because of cpu constraints.

  • I think you should be able to dynamically throttle the refresh rate by checking the fps and running a loop checking collisions x number of times, increasing x until you get to the fps you want.

  • Any idea how I could open these files though?

    No clue. This forum isn't really the right place to ask.

  • I have succesfully extracted all the data from Child of Light (PC version)'s .ipk files, but I still have no idea how to open the extracted files? Do they need to be edited in this ubiart thing? Any news if it has been released for use yet? I don't care if it's open source, I just want to use the program itself.

    You can't use ubiart by trying to edit extracted files from a game made with ubiart, the best you could do is mod the game. Since the announcement years ago ubisoft has shown no desire to release their framework as open source as they originally claimed.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I lost my consecutive streak too - I thought I just went a little too long between logins, but now that you mention it, I think it happened when I went to the arcade as well.

    Oh well, not a big deal, but a bit disappointing.

  • I tried it, but didn't like a lot of the design of the program. I don't remember everything, it's been a while since I used it, but I recall finding it unintuitive and inferior to C2 in most ways in the program itself, from things like how the event and animation systems worked to ui stuff, like for example there's no way to change the colors of all of the ui so you're stuck coding on a while screen (that might have been improved by now, I don't know). With C2, everything just makes sense to me, with game develop it doesn't.

    That isn't meant to be an attack on the program or anyone who likes it, just a personal, subjective opinion.

  • Please update your previous thread instead of creating a new one when your game is updated.

  • Dunno. I'm at 522, anyone got higher?

  • Se há um plugin para hora no Construct 2, sim é possível. Hey, eu também sou Brasileiro e este fórum só da suporte para quem fala inglês !

    Please stick to English or provide a translation with your posts.

  • yes Italian, if u wanna have a talk call me on skype: vittore87

    Stammi bene

    Please be careful not to report messages when you actually meant to reply to them.

    • Post link icon

    Yeah, this isn't the place for advertising games made with another engine. Please only post on the scirra forums about the games you make with construct.

  • i meant submit

    You can edit your posts, use the pencil like icon on the top right of your post to do so.