Arima's Forum Posts

  • Please keep it so that we can affect the points using events! All sorts of neat stuff will be possible in that situation!

    Would we be able to set behaviors to the points? Then we can use physics behavior and make all sorts of neat stuff!

    Some thoughts are demonstrated in this video of Aquaria:

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    First at 17 seconds, the main character swims past a banner and it waves with her. Then at 38 some underwater plants bend as she swims past, and again at 41. It's kinda hard to tell, but the plants bend at the proper place - if she swims past the tip, then the tip moves.

    I guess what I'm asking is if it would be possible to make the points move in response to a nearby object, but very importantly, have a settable maximum distance that the parts of the mesh can be from each other? Wouldn't want it to get too wild.

    At 56 there's an octopus that has a tentacle that bends, apparently using bones. Would it be possible to have a sort of bone based system - using bones to deform a sprite? I would imagine it working sort of like the custom mask for physics objects at the moment. Either that or could we attach points to another object? Like using 'create hinge' in the physics behavior - then we could rotate sprites via events to move groups of points.

    Also, would it be possible to choose the resolution of the grid? (to save on performance, etc.)

    I realize this is a lot to ask, so think of it more as food for thought.

  • I didn't mean to trivialize the task, I meant to show an easy example. Apologies if it seemed otherwise.

    As for the timer/number span issue, I solved that in a game I was working on by using "if (timer) is equal to/greater than (amount)" with "trigger once". Try it, I think it might be what you're looking for.

    Since I don't know the details of your game, I can't really comment more than that.

  • Seriously. Ashley's right. I tried various framerate tests, and when switching between monitors, it not only looked like utter crap at another refresh rate, but it played wrong too. Timedeltas are the only way to go to ensure a consistent play experience on multiple machines. What's more, timedelta's really easy to implement. Instead of Set object x position to "sprite.x +1" it's "sprite.x +(1*timedelta)" to get it to move one pixel per second. Want it 60? Use 60*timedelta. Easy.

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  • As far as I can tell, there are no controls to set the position or almost anything else on the html object. Setting the position and size is all I really need - could these be added? I want to be able to do text with bold/underline/italic/colored words, which the text object can't do.

  • Ah, thanks!

  • I can't manage to set the font in the html object. I use Set HTML to "<font face="fontname">test" but it says whatever's in the second set of quotations (the font name) is not a recognised system expression or usable object name. "<font size="5">test" results in '5' is not allowed after '<font size='.

    If that's not possible, consider this a request to either be able to set the font/size/etc in the html object or to be able to do that via the text object on a per-word basis, so I could write



  • 1. Consistent alphabetical sorting for all the object selection windows. Right now it's only on the initial window that comes up after clicking new action, as far as I can tell. It would be nice to have that on the windows where you're getting expressions and picking what object to create, for example.

    2. Global objects listed in every event sheet object list in the event editor. Objects that have been created in the event sheet's code from other layouts should also be listed. Otherwise, you make an event to create an object, then have to either copy and paste the object to the layout or make then events in another sheet and copy/paste or include them. It would be nice to be able to insert an mousekeyboard object in the first layout, make it global, and not have to copy and paste it to every layout.

    3. (Could be an alternative to 2) In the event editor's object lists, select from objects in layout or objects in whole .cap. When selecting an object in 'new action' it shows objects in the layout. When getting an expression, it's every object in the .cap, as is the horizontal selector for 'set postion to another object'. A tab for the layout's or the whole .cap's objects would work well.

  • Wasn't there supposed to be a way to store files in the .exe? I wouldn't want people editing them.

  • Half of those I don't have access privileges for.

    "You do not have permission to do that, for the following reason:

    The action you have requested is limited to users in the group Sysops."

  • Physics doesn't seem to like low framerates.

  • There's also a bug I noticed - try clicking sprite and then properties>Make 1:1. Then rerun and fill the screen halfway with blocks. At that point start clicking the mouse - upon each click, any blocks that are where the first block started, about the middle left of the screen, from 'jump' away from that spot.

  • After making a new .cap with a few walls and spawning a small 10x10 object every frame, the simulation 'collapes' and freezes after about 500 objects are made, and starts shaking after about 200. What's more, the simulation won't stay still after enough have been made, as they continually settle. Objects also overlap each other a lot. Thoughts?

    Edit: It might be a framerate issue, because after about 100-200 objects, the framerate drops below vsync rate.

    Edit 2: Definitely at least partially a framerate issue. Try running the .cap with a fixed framerate of 30 fps - even one square on screen jitters.

  • Wow! That runs smoothly even on my p3 600 mhz machine! Nice!

    178 start, 45 settling here, then when everything stops it goes up to 70.

  • I recommend a slight modification to this effect - make it white instead of red. Then when it's paired with the tint effect, it can be made any color.

    Modified part: From float4 resr = {res,0,0,res}; // we pass the result to just the red channel and the alpha channel


    float4 resr = {res,res,res,res}; // we pass the result to all the channels

    The edited .fx file:

    // AMS_Circle

    // Mikiex

    // PS 2.0

    // Circle Maker Example.

    //#CROSS-SAMPLING : changes Tex.xy.

    //#PARAM float Cwidth 0.1 : Circle line width : Circle line width.

    //#PARAM float edgefuzz 0.01 : edgefuzz : Fuzzyness of the edges.

    // Parameter variables

    float Cwidth;

    float edgefuzz;

    // Foreground texture

    texture ForegroundTexture;

    // Foreground sampler

    sampler2D foreground = sampler_state {

    Texture = (ForegroundTexture);

    MinFilter = Linear;

    MagFilter = Linear;

    MipFilter = Linear;


    // Increments 1 per frame

    float frameCounter;

    //These are all constants from Construct

    float boxLeft;

    float boxRight;

    float boxTop;

    float boxBottom;

    float pixelWidth;

    float pixelHeight;

    float hotspotX;

    float hotspotY;

    float boxWidth;

    float boxHeight;

    float angle;

    // Effect function

    float4 EffectProcess( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0


    // float4 jj = tex2D(foreground, Tex.xy); //we just ignore the original image

    float tx = (Tex.x-boxLeft)/boxWidth; // make the box into U coords from 0 to 1

    float ty = (Tex.y-boxTop)/boxHeight; // make the box into V coords from 0 to 1

    float res = distance(0.5,float2(tx,ty)); // Use the distance function to create what looks like a radial gradient

    float xfuzz = boxWidth*edgefuzz; // how fuzzy do we want the x edges

    float yfuzz = boxHeight*edgefuzz; // how fuzzy do we want the y edges

    float SS1 = 0.5; // this sets the smoothstep position

    float SS2 = 0.5-Cwidth; // this is the inside smoothstep position

    res = smoothstep(SS1,SS1-xfuzz,res)*smoothstep(SS2-yfuzz,SS2,res); // the magic of smoothstep!

    float4 resr = {res,res,res,res}; // we pass the result to all the channels

    return resr;


    // ConstructEffect

    technique ConstructEffect


    pass p0


    VertexShader = null;

    PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 EffectProcess();



  • Bug: new game, insert a sprite, import an image and the graphic doesn't show up in the picture editor.