<img src="http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/2112/physicsxh4.png">
This should be a fairly decent demonstration of the processing power of the new Box2d physics now replacing the Newton physics. In Newton I get 40fps, in Box2d I get 400 fps.
We've tried to make the cross over from Newton to Box2d unrecognisable..It's simply a case of open your old cap that has physics in it and oh cool its 10 times faster! Forces and everything get scaled so your games shoudn't behave too much differently from before...though keep in mind it is a different physics engine...anyway we'll see how it goes
Once any 'cross over' bugs have been fixed we'll impliment more of Box2d's features...and before long we'll have ragdolls being hung from springs which break if under too much tension etc etc etc.