Arima's Forum Posts

  • You might be suprised how much stuff in 'actual' games is faked, including physics. Stuff that looks awesome - like the barrels in crysis - upon further inspection, there's intersecting objects everywhere if you pile a lot of them of top of each other. Every smooth rounded surface really is composed of a bunch of flat, uncurved polygons, because that's what 3D is based on. Even when working with stuff like nurbs they're converted to polys because that's what is most efficient and fastest, and 'actual' games are also all about speed. Even the smooth looking characters in animated movies are made of a bazillion flat polygons. If you want a smooth curve, zoom way in and set a whole lot of points.

    One thing that would be very helpful though that you mentioned, is the ability to move points that have already been placed.

    Edit: I don't mean to get anyone mad with this post - just trying to point out that even game developers in AAA studios with multi million dollar budgets need to fake stuff all the time so that their games can be playable - for example, that's what normal maps are all about! 'Faked' geometry, because graphics cards have limits on the number of polygons they can push, and as such physics gets faked too.

  • I know I've asked for this before and I don't want to be a pest about it, but can the horizontally-scrolling small object selection screen used in the collision condition and such please be alphabetized? I've spent a good 2 minutes trying to find an object in there already, and it happens repeatedly. I know there's a search, but I've tried it and it's not working.

    (Also, the icons are on the wrong objects there. Makes them even harder to find.)

    It would also be nice if that box only listed objects in the layout and global objects as well. I'm getting objects from other layouts in there that I'm not currently using.

    Also, when double clicking an object's icon in the event editor and the basic 'select object' box comes up, it only has objects of the same type. Double clicking a box lists boxes.

    Could that window (the one when double clicking an object's icon) be made able to be resized? It would be handy if I didn't have to scroll it. I have a lot of objects.

  • You sure it's a DVD drive? At that point apple was still selling macs with CD burners OR DVD drives.

    Edit: Reread original post with testing a DVD. You might want to do a clean wipe and start from scratch. Sometimes used macs can act funny.

  • It works on my machine.

    Key space is down

    Trigger once

    Sprite: Rotate 10 degrees clockwise

  • Or yet another way, if key is down and trigger once.

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  • Why is that? Couldn't that interfere with the code a lot? Like

    Enter is pressed

    set x to 10

    a is down

    set x to 20

    If enter is pressed and a is down, and event 1 is run before or after (and depending on if the enter is pressed event is first or second) it could end up with a different result, and it wouldn't be obvious why at all.

  • 'Key is pressed' stays true for the entire run through of events until the next tick (where it starts the code again from the top).

  • Check out the .cap. It's bugged is a lot of ways. ... id=1003219

    I really doubt it's the case, but it seems suspicious that that bug showed up each time I tried a screen video capture program - but as I mentioned, this time I had already uninstalled it before the bug showed up.

    Dunno, it doesn't seem likely that one of those programs could whack out a .cap that much, but it also seems less than coincidental. Thought I'd ask.

    Edit: forgot to mention - the screen video capture programs worked properly. It was the .cap that went crazy (though the screen rendering apparently was working properly).

  • Events are run from top to bottom. That means first "1" is set to "2", then "2" is set to "3" immediately after.

  • I've had a serious bug show up twice that has coincidentally shown up each time I tried a screen video capture program (2 different programs). This time the bug happened after I uninstalled the program, though, but it was right before working on the .cap when the bug appeared.

    Could screen video capture programs interfere with construct? Or is it a coincidence?

    Edit: the bug mentioned is on the tracker as "WHACKED .cap".

  • You can save an image from the canvas by copying it from the canvas to the image manipulator and saving it from there. It even retains alphas for pngs. Or did you mean with the system save function?

  • Something I would really like is a bookmarks bar, set up sort of like the objects bar, to the left of the main window. It would list all the bookmarks in the event sheet, and they could be named. It would make it a lot faster to find bookmarks if you could click it instead of repeatedly clicking 'next bookmark'. It would be nice if they were small too, as tall as a line of text, so that a lot of them could fit on the screen at one time. Then one click on the bookmark scrolls to the code you're looking for.

    Also, about the objects bar - might it be possible to make it like the other tabs (layers, project, etc.)? As it is, it opens every time I open a layout, and I have to close it again and again since I usually don't use it, and if I close it and need it, it seems like the only way to open it again is to close the layout and reopen it.

  • Requesting missing keys for the mousekeyboard object - like ;',./[]\-=`

    Hopefully that will be easy?

  • The condition "animation is finished" can't be used with the 'or' function in this example because it always gets put at the top of the list of conditions, so instead of having "is animation 1 finished or is animation 2 finished" I have to use separate events. Generally not an issue but it makes for neater code. Could 'or' be made to be able to be put anywhere in the list?

    And apologies for asking, but why are some conditions always at the top again? And if 'animation is playing' isn't a top event, then why is 'animation finished'?

  • Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 is actually quite good, and has very little setup time. However, the fact that it took until version 10 to get to the 'quite good' area should tell you something about how hard is to make. Development started in 1980, and the first commercial version showed up in 1990 for $9000, then version 1.0 of 'naturally speaking' in 1997. It took a LONG time to make. Admittedly, they were starting from basically scratch, but still.

    There is another program that uses the DNS10 engine, showing that it can be 'plugged in' to something else, but it's somewhat expensive, and I doubt it's an easy task.

    The point of this post - it's kind of unrealistic with the current state of tech.