Set the master volume (or the volume for the channel) to (expression for volume, can't remember it)-(amount*timedelta).
You could also potentially send an image to the image manipulator and get the values of each pixel.
What known issues are there with xaudio?
Isn't that what 'for each' (ordered) is for?
You can have fractions of a degree, so you can have 0.1 or 359.9.
Could you possibly multiply the speeds at the rate you need? So simply set speeds to speed*(1-timescale)? Then you wouldn't have to code everything. Haven't tried it tho, so I don't know if it would work.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I actually made two. - Pong you play against yourself. Probably not worth bothering with, but it shows what can be done in 10 minutes. - Pacman you play against youself, trying to both eat and evade yourself at the same time.
Controls: wasd/mouse for both. If you really want the .caps they're the same location except with .cap.
Wow! That panel object is awesome! Nice work!
I really love the surface metroid piece. Really, really good.
You should be able to use an else condition here.
So event 1: objects are overlapping
event 2, else
so if no objects are overlapping, the else event will run.
I suppose you could use a variable, then do:
for each spriteA
if overlapping sprite B
if variable is equal to number of spriteAs
There might be a better way, but that's how I do it.
Are you trying to use loopindex as an expression? Because you could use 10-loopindex (total loops-current loop).
Else runs if the conditions of the event before it is false. Example:
Event 1:
If sprite.x is lower than 100
Event 2:
If sprite is not lower than 100, it'll rotate counterclockwise.
It'll vary on each person's computer based upon their processing speed, but a tile engine will still use sprites for the tiles. If a sprite is offscreen it is not drawn. I can have upwards of 100,000 offscreen or invisible sprites in a layout without slowdown on an athlon X2. Onscreen/visible, that number would be quite lower.
I did a google search and found a page that said to try right clicking it and ending the task in the task manager - if windows says it's an essential part of windows, it's not a trojan.
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