Arima's Forum Posts

  • Wow, awesome!

  • I'm making a prototype where I want to have a lot, lot of objects on screen. A lot of those objects are unnecessary after a certain point, because they're obscured by objects in front of them. Is there any way to tell if an object is obscured?

    Edit: Alternatively, I might be able to check if two of the same sprites are on the same x/y and have the same angle and perform an action on one, but I'm not sure how to do that.

  • You'll want to set the zoom based on the distance between the two. Try:


    Set zoom to dist(player1.x, player1.y, player2.x, player2.y)

    You're going to have to tweak the equation to get it to zoom the right amount, like multiplying it by some amount, but that's the expression you'll use.

    I can't remember, is zoom 50 smaller or larger than 100%? The value might be backwards.

  • I've got that bug too - Ashley said it's fixed in the next version on page 2.

  • It might be badly installed to the case, a loose screw could make it buzz. Maybe tightening everything up would fix it. Did you install it yourself?

    Yes, but at the moment. it's not actually botled to the case, it's sitting outside it, so it's not that unless it's a component inside the psu itself. Also, the problem goes away if I take out the 9800GT - so it seems like it only happens when the PSU is running above a certain power draw.

    If the wattage is sufficient don't be fooled in to thinking higher wattage equals more quality - you should get the lowest wattage that covers your computer, then find a good model. Once I bought an el cheapo PSU and it exploded after six months. 500W should be more than enough for most desktops if you actually calculate the peak power consumption.

    I read on a lot of websites that Seasonic makes quality stuff, so that shouldn't be it - it might just be the one I've got.

    How many 12v rails does the PSU have?

    I have no idea. I can't find it anywhere, and as much as I've tried to understand this whole amps/rails thing, it doesn't make much sense, because it isn't clearly labeled anywhere. Is this it?



    I read something about you're supposed to add the amps, so that should be enough, right? The card wants 26amps/400watts. I'm wondering since taking out the 9800GT stops the buzzing if I should get like a 700w one.

    Thanks for the help, everyone!

    Edit after above edit: Yeah, returning it sounds like a good idea. If the replacement still buzzes I'll opt for a higher wattage.

  • Yeah, based off of hours of googling that's the best option I can find. Still haven't found a reason for it, tho...

  • Seasonic SS-500ET 500W. I read that they were good.

  • I don't think it's that - it sounds like electricity. It has a bit of a warble to it, and it keeps alternating between buzzing and not buzzing too quickly. Also, the pitch/hum of the fan stays constant.

  • Hey all, I just got a new graphics card (9800gt - the power!!!) and a new 500w power supply to power that power. It can render 21,000 sprites without going below vsync! But the point of this post is that the power supply buzzes when the cpu is under load. :/

    I contacted the manufacturer, they said it should be plenty for my system, but I miss having it ultra-quiet. Anyone know if getting a 700w power supply would stop the buzzing?

  • I get an error upon loading construct:

    Error loading C:\Program

    Files\Scirra\Construct\Plugins\RTSMov.csx (14001) - this plugin may not be available!

    And unsurprisingly, RTS behavior doesn't work/show up anymore.

  • It's listed in the update that there's a way to get the alpha or a pixel, but I can't find the command anywhere. Getting the R, G or B is in the expressions of the image manipulator, but alpha's not there.

  • Nice - I've been wanting an angle blur for a while! Thanks!

  • How does the 'get alpha of individual pixels' work? It isn't in the list of expressions for the image manipulator.

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  • Not in this case. I don't want to load anything other than the currently needed layouts when the application loads and runs because the game is using a lot of vram - I can't keep lots of unused layouts in VRAM like that.

    If a person loads a game past that town, I can't know if they'll go back to the town or not. Then what about the next town? I'll need to basically have everything that needs instant transitions wasting vram, and there's a good chance that all of that combined with the current layout will be more vram than a lot of people have.

    I might be misunderstanding what you're saying though.

  • Is there a way to keep layouts from being unloaded? I have a town layout and a shop layout that I want to be able go between without pauses, but while I can load the shop's textures at the start of the town layout to get a pauseless transition from town to shop, it needs to reload not only the town when I exit the shop, but the shop again after it was automatically dumped from vram. Telling construct to load the town textures upon entering the shop doesn't help much either.

    As far as I can tell, there are two main settings - load textures at startup or per layout, and then there is more control using the load/unload layout textures action, but I can't use load all at startup because there's too much and per layout automatically dumps stuff from vram that I don't want dumped.

    I would prefer a setting that would load stuff at when a layout is loaded, but not dump it from vram. Also, a 'clear all vram except current layout' action would be handy so you don't have to list all the layouts you want to unload.