Arima's Forum Posts

  • I'm using the latest version, 995.

  • PCs need the C++ runtime to run games made with construct?

  • I sent my game to a friend and he's getting this message when he tries to run it:

    Runtime error

    Failed to load plugin C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\cap5AC.tmp\13.csx (126)

    Does anyone know what's not loading?

  • Well, now you have.

    Updated the .cap:

    It's not exact, but the only way I can think of to make it exact is to make units have a varying speed, and that would affect the game mechanics. As you mentioned, not worrying about the angle helps a lot though.

  • Hmm. Not sure what to do about that. Thanks, tho.

    Edit: Had an idea. Don't make them solid, make them avoid each other. Updated the .cap!

  • Is this what you're looking for?

  • An example showing how to get a group of units to move to a location and keep their formation.

    Edit: Updated! New version has units stay in formation while moving.

  • Try this: make a new .cap. Make a sprite, import a background. Next, create a canvas, fill it with white in the picture editor. Give it the blurmask effect.

    Next, make an event to always set the color filter of the canvas to RGB(mousex, mousex, mousex). In case you don't know, you have to right click the bar above the color to use an expression.

    Run it, move the mouse back and forth. The background behind the canvas will be blurred a varying amount depending on the mouse x position. The values for RGB are 0-255, so after that it repeats. The amount the effect blurs is based upon how bright the pixel is, so by using the color filter, it affects the amount of blur. Also, if you want to keep it from crashing, you can layer as many instances of an object with blurmask on top of each other as you want. Hits the framerate hard, though.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The blurmask effect works based on the lightness of the pixel - can you use that instead of blur? Try that, then setting the color filter of the canvas to RGB(mousex, mousex, mousex) and move the mouse from 0 to 255.

  • Is this what you're looking for?



    It hasn't been mentioned enough lately. You guys rock!

  • Do you mean bug 2863906? I'll see if I can get a hotfix for it at least.

    Yep, that's the one. Thanks! PM'ing the links to the files.

  • November 1st, but I also want to submit it to the indie game challenge, which is October 31st, and they apparently require submissions by mail, so I would need to send it at the latest about the 29th.

  • I really need the audio crash bug fixed. I'm sending my game to the IGF and as it is, the player can barely get past the first battle before it crashes.

    I've resorted to trying to make a secondary app that runs in the background that plays the audio so if the audio crashes, it doesn't take down the game with it. The only problem with that is it when it crashes it leaves an error message that has to be closed before it will actually close the program, even with kill process, so if it crashes, they have to manually close the audioapp before it can restart.

    Although I suppose I could simply run a ton of them and have them close a bunch of error messages upon quitting...

  • Tabs are possible. I've got a variant of them in my game. It's actually not very hard.

    First, the tabtop object has a variable 'tabname' for its name, and should be the same as the layer name it corresponds to.

    on tabtop clicked

    set all tab layers invisible

    set layer 'tabtop.Value('tabname') visible.

    Set global value 'currentlayer' to tabtop value 'layer'

    Then do a check with what layer's visible when the user clicks on a UI element. To do that, stick all the UI elements in a family, then give the family a variable telling what layer its on, and set it appropriately for each UI element. Then have another value somewhere else telling what the current tab is.

    On family UIelement clicked

    if UI element 'layer' is equal to global value 'currentlayer'
