argail's Forum Posts

  • server changed.....

    new link:

  • So the server cannot reproduce sounds if the file name contains a empty space. I will try to check with firebug! thanks GamerGon!

  • Ok, i used a global text pgused = "1"

    player1 set animation to "left" & pgused (in this case will play the animation called "left1")

    It works well!

  • It's possible to use : set animation to "left"+ x ?

    so in the code i will use: if PG = 1 then X = 1

    and in the animations panel : left1 of pg1, left 2 of pg2 , etc...

    I cand happend a string to another ?

  • Yes, i can add many animations as many different player i need, but in this case i need to duplicate all the code in order to check which sprite i'm using in that moment.

    For example:


    • left, right, jump, etc.. (with the image of the first player for example a dog!)

    -left, right, jump, etc.. (with the image of the second player for example a cat!)

    and so on...

    Is this the only solution ?

  • Here an example of the code where the player goes left and right with animation "sinistra" and "destra".

    Now.... I want to "load" or something like that and replace the "pg" sprite with another sprite that have the same name and same names of all animations, in order to avoid to reprogram all the instances.

    Something like that :

    _ load sprite "pg1.png" to PG SPRITE ( i cant choose from two or more player sprite, for example : pg1.png, pg2.png etc... )

    _ right arrow is down -> PG SPRITE set animation to "right" etc....

    So the name PG SPRITE remain the same, and all the animations like "right" , "left" , "jump" etc. remain the same.

    I hope it's clear now, i'm sorry for the bad english!

  • Sorry, I have explained badly...

    I want to open the "new player" sprite file from the event code..... I need this because i want to use another player sprite when for example the player evolve in other sprite.

  • Hi friends!!!

    Is it possible to change the player sprite with another maintaining the same name so to maintaining also the animations and all the instances ?

    I mean that if it was possible to "load" the player sprite from a file, so in this case I would have the same instances and animations name.

    any advice would be appreciated!!!

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  • Very important project! I hope all the best for it!

  • Looks very nice! I like so much this kind of games! Plese, finish it as soon as possible!!

  • Added more screenshot!

  • Looks nice. I just didn't counter a lot of there collisions The first platform is the only one I can stand and after that things get weird.

    Oh sorry! I was trying something and i uploaded to the server this one! Now is ok!

  • Updates:

    • improved collisions
    • fixed some bugs (sword instance, buttons instances, moon gravity problems)
  • Interesting!

  • Cool!!!

    I think that this project is really amazing!

    I hope all the best to your team!