argail's Forum Posts

  • Sistemate le collisioni. Ora manca la cosa piu' importante.... La Storia!

    Quando avro' acquistato la licenza se ne riparlera'!

  • Pg cambiato.... piu' o meno lo stile sara' questo fino a che non trovero' una persona che mi crei gli sprite per non incappare nei vari copyright!

  • Wow, ho potuto dare solamente un occhiata veloce, ma sembra molto bello il lavoro che stai facendo! Complimenti.

    Purtroppo non posso aiutarti con i tuo problemi.

    Buon lavoro!

    Grazie mille!!! peccato che non potro' utilizzare questi sprite per il copyright....

    Adesso ho cambiato il personaggio principale con uno storico !!!!

  • Somebody knows why in html5 export (also in Chrome, Firefox, Opera,etc.) i can't hear all the sfx sounds ? In local i can hear everything!

  • No idea mate, I'm a newb around here, just figured that post might help you. If not more experienced users are gonna have to help you further, sorry.

    No, no, you give me other solution, and i appreciated this!

  • Aggiunto pannello lifebar e score, risolte collisioni (manca il controllo della collisione quando il pg e' gia' in contatto con un png, probabilmente devo aggiungere l'overlapping in questo caso, qualsiasi consiglio e' ben accetto!).

    Aggiunte animazioni delle morti dei png e del pg (questa da sistemare) e aggiunto respawn scheletri.

    Sistemata l'animazione delle monete e dei diamanti quanto vengono prese.

    Altri fix vari che non ricordo!!!

    Added lifebar and score panel. fix of all collisions (missing only the pg collision when it's behind the enemy).

    Added death animation conditions of the pg and png, added respawn of the skeleton png.

    Fixed animation of the coins and the diamonds when they are taken.

    Many other minor fix that i don't remember!!!

    Añadido barra de vida y la puntuación. Resuelto colisiones (falta la detección de colisiones cuando el pg ya esta en contacto con un png).

    Añadido animaciones por la muerte de los PNG y del pg (es todavia de arreglar) y Añadido respawning esqueletos.

    Arreglada animación de las monedas y los diamantes cuando se toman.

    Muchos arreglos menores que me he olvidado!!!

  • Exactly. First time, after reading through that post I linked you here is the question I asked(on page 3 of the post) and the answer I got.

    > Hey hey hey, hold on just a second....!!

    > You mean if I don't go through all that I can't have a normal game with background music and other sounds on iPads/iPhones with older versions of iOS?!

    > And even if I do it I will only be able to play a single sound at a time?!(what if the player hits something with the background music playing...)

    > Cmon I thought apple was supposed to be "top dog" in the mobile market, specially considering how much their devices cost...VIKINGS2014-02-17 10:56:47


    > VIKINGS,

    > Yes, afaik older iOS browser only support 1 channel audio so we must choose to play sfx or music (not possible to playing both), for sfx we must create audio sprites (all sfx sound embeded on single sound file) and also audio need trigger from user (touch) to playing it (can't autoplay).


    So the only solution is to concatenate all the audio sfx inside a single audio file ?

    But why in local i can hear everything ?

  • Could it have something to do with the iOS audio limitations? Maybe cgeck out this post.

    I think this is not my problem, in other words if i play the bgm music (in music folder of the project), i can't hear any other sounds (in sound folder of the project).

  • Any chance you could post the capx?

    How can i do this in this forum ? i can't see an upload option.....

  • Ok, i solved.... it was my mistake of course!!! wrong folder...

  • Hi everyone!

    I don't know why, but when start the bgm music, all the other sounds stops. I can ear just the bgm music.

  • it gives me an error that it can't be load due to incompatibility. i'm using the last release of construct 2.

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  • Castello completamente visitabile, aggiunto pannello oro e gemme (molto semplice per il momento).

    comandi: freccie destra e sinistra, freccia alta salto e doppio salto, CTRL uso spada (collisine da sistemare)

    The castle is fully visitable, added panel with gold and gems (at the moment is really simple).

    controls: right and left arrow, up arrow to jump and double jump, CTRL to use the sword (collision is to fix).

  • Is it a limitation of the Construct 2 free edition that i can't use this plugin ?

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