Exactly. First time, after reading through that post I linked you here is the question I asked(on page 3 of the post) and the answer I got.
> Hey hey hey, hold on just a second....!!
> You mean if I don't go through all that I can't have a normal game with background music and other sounds on iPads/iPhones with older versions of iOS?!
> And even if I do it I will only be able to play a single sound at a time?!(what if the player hits something with the background music playing...)
> Cmon I thought apple was supposed to be "top dog" in the mobile market, specially considering how much their devices cost...VIKINGS2014-02-17 10:56:47
> Yes, afaik older iOS browser only support 1 channel audio so we must choose to play sfx or music (not possible to playing both), for sfx we must create audio sprites (all sfx sound embeded on single sound file) and also audio need trigger from user (touch) to playing it (can't autoplay).
So the only solution is to concatenate all the audio sfx inside a single audio file ?
But why in local i can hear everything ?