Arcanebits's Forum Posts

  • Ho, i Need to put this on a regular WHILE, to make run stuff while game is on level 1, 2, 3, 4 etc...

    I can create a while, but then i loose the ability to control the timing of creation.

    Right Now I have two choices

    1- Receive a good tip

    3- Make a lots of event sheets and call them when needed (quite far from being efficent, but its my workaround)

    What i need to do is to COMPARE in witch lever the user is, and then put the lines of codes of creations of monters (controled by time random stuff)

    Any help will be GOOD HELP! :)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • UPDATE: Yep, when you kill one of the first members in family (chronologicaly before i created the new one) then you cannot kill the new enemy

  • I have a Family called Enemys, they are 2 of them and works nice, but i added a 3th enemy and if i put a new layer with it it just dont work or obey the family standards.

    When i just simply ADD another enemy (the oldest ones) it work with every one of them.

    To test, i just move out of the scene the older enemy and when i jump into the new enemy it doesnt die, i move the older enemy back into scene and when i jumpt into any enemy they die.

    For now i will put and older enemy in invisible mode...

  • My Miskate, just adjusted layers and couple other suff

  • Im having problems with a sprite, it work wonders in preview mode, but when i export the game and upload it the sprites turns into Gray Boxes...

    Any ideas?

  • Sorry for the lack of quality in my writing.

    In the line 2 I put one object to follow another by each tick, in other words the sprite character must be attached to the sprite box whom calculates the stuff, i read in a tutorial that this is a good practice so i replicated it.

    As you may see theres no object to be follow in the case of the lots of enemies, because when i created the first sprite and the object box that the sprite will follow it worked like a charm, but when its with more than one enemy i can ctrl move to make clones of the enemies and ALSO THE BOX, but the enemies start following the first box

    Theres is the image

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I made a character with his own box to make the collisions and stuf, but when i come to create some enemies (clones) if i create a box the same way i created the one for the main character, all the enemies "cloned" will try to follow along the first BOX created for the first enemy.

    How can i solve that without to code each enemi+ownbox?


  • It Seems that my collision detection is just not working, the sprite walk like nothing is there.

    Using: Construct 2 beta release r111

    The collision wall is a sprite, with non SOLID behavior because thar will stop also my character, but i think this may work.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • DONE, audio PLAYS WELL, it was the MIME stuff i had to add.

    Only FF in Windows 8 shows no background, just a black background any idea?


  • Will Do.. Thanks


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  • Using FF FireBug I catch this:

    HTTP "Content-Type" of "text/html" is not supported. Load of media resource failed.

    How do i fix it?


  • This is already done: Cleared the cache, compiled a fresh new deployment of the game into a new fresh directory via ftp, to void cache issues.

    Chrome: Everything works just wonderfull

    IE: Everything works just wonderfull ( amazing hee ? )

    Firefox: NO audio FX, NO MUSIC, everything else is just fine

    Opera: Sound and Music PLays, the game plays, but the half of the tiled background of the game its WHITE

    Safary: As good as Chrome and IE.

    The audio given in the proyect is on OGG, M4A and WAV, tested via right click + Play

    Also a Windows 8 just tell me that the WHOLE background goes black, like no backgound exist.

    Here is the proyect: I will have the link just for 48 hours as its a secret development

    Thanks for any help!

    <img src="" border="0" />


    It was my fault, i was using a include sheet command, so in the included i had the Globals restarting, so i was forced to create a new global called, removelive so when player gets hit its increase one, and in the next sheet at the begin of the sheet it sustract from main global its gets from the include sheet!

    Little trick did the job


  • when i call the new layout with the GO TO, the variables restart, i guess be cause i have a INCLUDE SHEET command reffering to the place the variable its created.

    I tryed to move globals to a new Start sheet, but when i try to move from the original place the code start yelling errors

    Is there a way to pass a value to the global while changing to another sheet?

  • Hi, Im really amazed with this software, its just GREAT. Im currenly trying to develop a series of games in my country and i have a little problem.

    I created a global variable ( life ) and when it passes to another Layout the variable goes to its initial value.

    The main character passed with 2 of remaining live, but it passed so i call a GO TO + new level and opps the initial value of the global hit me on the face.

    Im quite sure im doing something wrong, sorry about my bad english

    Hope some one helps!