Arcanebits's Forum Posts

  • UPDATE1:

    Already compiled out of the box and updated to server, it runs, but no chat happens when openedin two browsers (Chrome and Firefox) with the same chatroom. I end up with two chatrooms with the same name and a lonely user on each.

    Maybe im doing something wrong?


  • Hi guys

    I have seen the demo on ChatRoom I need to put one in a sort of game, I need to know if the demo and the tutorials are updated and valid as for today.

    The chat will be hit by aprox 100 persons in a 2 days event. I can fire up a server but I need to get the how to about the ChatRoom clear and tested. Also I read that Scirra can rent me the server.

    Thans in advance


  • Thanks for the response, Im on a caveat

    Its a very simple game, 2D, 2 mins max duration of gameplay.

    It must load via webGL, on phones, NO apks or iOS stuff

    The game must have a TYPING part (user enter mail) and there is my bump, I placed a input field and it doesnt call the phone keyboard,

    I will make some post to an apache / mysql on backend to retreive keys etc... but dont think its gona be a problem, also its gonna get few thoudands hits, so any tip into that is very welcome.

    Any comments? mainly on keyboard issue.


  • I need to make a game for a customer, the requeriment is simple:

    Game must load on phone via webGL, NOT AN APK nor iOS.

    You see a link, its opens the game, usr login and play... short game.

    any help?


  • Hi, im a proud Scirra member since construct2, even have a founder member.

    I need to develop for a customer a game that will need to be:

    01-Stored in a server for being downloaded a lot of times since is a seasonal thing

    02-On start must open auto full screen mode on phone

    03-Ar begin of game, user must enter email, name to be saved on db

    04-If game already played, still run, not downlading again, but using cache?

    Im quite sure this may be all YES but i need little light on it

    any comments?



  • I fixed with a "little help from my friends", heres the thread:

  • Hi again...

    IT WORKED! Problem Solved!

    Thanks again!

  • Thanks for all for the Answers!

    Having backups its not a problem, I have tons of them even by week "Zenoz98"

    I find every sugestion made really suitable, so im going to try them all!

    And yes... its stupid to try production level with the betas heheheh

    Again, Thanks to everyone! Great Team!


  • Line by line acotations make easy to me to redact:

    01- Im using the version R213 for 64 Bits

    02- Im a early-adopter, so dealing C2 from a time now, and a 40yo programmer, old school so I do tons of research and test before post anything.

    03- I have used Intel XDK in the past, as well as Ludei with no major issues.

    04- My Game, was running well everywhere, even via web browser on phone, and quite good on tablets and web based.

    05- I made last two updates, (here must be the issue MY GUESS) one of them polishing Win8 compatibility at export.

    06- The game export and runs to web WELL only on IE (amazing he?); Anything based on Mozilla/Chrome doest not work.

    07- Intel XDK Import the game, says Success and shows the index.html file but...

    08- No emulation, and the export to apk didnt work at the phones tested. I asume cause its wraping to chromium guts.

    09- I suspected from my code, jump 5 versions behind... when every was wright and... Same just IE seems to work

    10- Dont know what to do, I test Sistematically every option, from IcecreamS, to lastest... tweach everying, nothing works.

    Normally this is solved with something REALLY simple, like a (;) missing, the problem is, I dont have a clue about what to touch.

    Please help, Im really desesperado here...

    Any tip to rollback to the stable version?

    Aldo "Arcanebits" Alain

  • I did exacly that way, varius times and changing options like crazy... nothing happend...

    And important update is that I suspected from my game... so I went to a really older version and NOTHING....

    Anyone can help?? Maybe im missing something new.

  • Yes... I did exactly that, plenty of Times...

    In the Source Dir i dont change anything, so i leave it empty.

    Selecting and De-Selecting the two aditional choices given: Use cordova plugins and Game Proyect....

    It says as always, SUCCESS... but the emulator shows nothing and de exportation does same... nothing...

    Im desesperado now... Anyone can help?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Im not new at construct but far away from being a pro on it.

    I have exported some games to IntelXDK in the past (3 months a go) and zero stress about it.

    Today I have updated a game, and it didnt run on Chrome or Firefox or INTEL XDK (debug or exported app)

    It runs Flawlessy on Debug Mode and in Preview Mode in Construct2.

    I exported exactly as the manual and hotlinks says when you are exporting, I Do select croswalk and follow the procedures and just got the same as in chrome or ff... a black screen.

    I started to change systematically every option in the export and import session with no results.

    Finally I tried others games, even the DEMO game that cames with Construct 2, even one TEMPLATE itself, and it didnt run neither.

    I dont want to call it a bug, but im close to it.

    Im developing this game to mobiles and i will have adds on it, if anyone know a wrapper what work nicely, even at cost (buy) im seriusly on take a look at those.

    Thanks a lot!!


  • > This used to work..

    > I have exported, using the Mobile/Cordoba selection, and with the options the tutorial itself say.


    > I import the proyect, the Intel XDK show the files, but i get NOTHING more than a black screen, it doesnt work at all.. Anyone have passed through this?


    > I have reimported, re exported the proyect using every posible conbination and still BLANK screen... In Construct2, RUN LAYOUT and DEBUG WORKS well...


    > Any cooment?


    use crosswalk

    As I said before... used every conbination posible and no diference... Crosswalk, pgap... everything


  • This used to work..

    I have exported, using the Mobile/Cordoba selection, and with the options the tutorial itself say.

    I import the proyect, the Intel XDK show the files, but i get NOTHING more than a black screen, it doesnt work at all.. Anyone have passed through this?

    I have reimported, re exported the proyect using every posible conbination and still BLANK screen... In Construct2, RUN LAYOUT and DEBUG WORKS well...

    Any cooment?

  • Also forgot to say: The FTP is same location just diferent browsers, so not the server issue...