arcadesindo's Forum Posts

  • Hi GameSoul do you've rex item book?

  • so the only way is to suspend them? :/

    btw ThePhotons what is the function of actor properties? can we do something with it like save their costume, or anything? and how to use it?

  • arcadesindo

    Use master client as a source of time sync. When the current master leaves, the other client automatically becomes master. The client is master if Photon.MyActorNr == Photon.MasterActorNr

    Thank you, it works only when the master was left, but the same thing also happen if the master is minimized the game without quit..

  • arcadesindo

    I added Ping button and 'On event 101' condition to demo-test. Sometimes round trip time is 0 probably because 'time' property is not precise enough.

    Thank you so much! I just realised that we could use the *time* expression!

    anyway I tried to multiply it with 1000, and I got like 16ms, or 33ms, and send them every 3 or 5 seconds, I think it can be useful!

    "Ping: " & int((time - float(Photon.EventData))*1000) & "ms"

    another question, how can we sync the game round time? currently mine was like this

    - If player was local, and actornr = 1

    - Timer start

    - Raise event xx with data Timer to All

    its working well, everyone get the exact time. But.. when the master was exit/minimized the game, then the timer will freeze.

  • Pogi99

    When you need to measure the latency, send an event to yourself (TargetActors = "" & Photon.MasterActorNr) with the current time as a payload, then calculate the difference between current time and the time stored in incoming event in "on event" handler.

    Hi ThePhotons any sample project implementations for this one? I kinda confused how to count on that. Thanks

  • Woahh!! Thank you!!

  • Perfect!! Thank you so much!

  • oh really? how could it be happen then :/

    is it because we still using the Classic script?

  • I've read on their manuals and seems like it was just added? and we must need to implement the Validation system to going through this?

  • Hi Ashley our game getting "Pending Payment" status all along from we compile it with C3 r234.4 (11 February), what's actually happening?

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  • So I think there's a lack of condition and action with how to check if user already purchase or claimed a product by a claim code in google play, this is how do I applied it with the basic way.

    But I've tried with the Testing Card function, with the option of condition "Purchase always success", it works really well, but if I use the option of condition "Purchase slow, but success after couple of minutes", then suddenly it doesn't work.

    When I click on the same product purchase trigger, it shows a message "You already owned this product".

    How to Consume this owned product? I'm worried if I just check it on start of layout with "Has product" doesn't mean the Googleplay would do consume the product automatically, then each time player coming in the IAP layout, it will always give them coins..

  • I've realized that this feature isn't so accurate as I think. I've tried it several times with my project, and only 2 from 10 times of trying were resulting the real same spritesheet object composition.

    Why do I need this feature

    => I want to reducing the spritesheet object composition, so the less of duplicated object, would be make the game size smaller.

    What it is for?

    => I don't really want to rely on Construct official images compression feature, because they only cut around 3MB, from actual total 13MB images size. I use Tinypng that can cut from 13MB into just 3MB! doesn't it more amazing?

    What's the problem?

    => Each time I export the files to Cordova, and then I tick the Deduplicate features, I always need to compress them manually every time. Eventough I'm not touching or editing any sprite, tiled background, and all of them.

    It's really bother me as I think that "Deduplicate feature" could help me alot for its function, but something seems wrong with it. Hopefully Ashley or somebody can help me to explain nor trying to enhance how this deduplicate feature work because actually it's a very wonderful feature.

    Thank you!