arcadesindo's Forum Posts

  • I just won a Construct 2 Personal Edition license but I already have one. What can I do with it? Any ideas?

    Congratulations for you!

    Maybe you can make a giveaway for lucky person?

  • Niceee.... we will be informed from email again, right?

  • "In addition, on a weekly basis, FIVE Construct 2 Personal Licenses (each worth $129.99), will be raffled to everyone who has published an app or game – so the earlier your game is live on the Amazon Appstore, the better your chance of winning!"

    Okay, last raffle is on 9 July 2015, now 27 July 2015

  • Tom

    May we submit our "Build Challenge" game again?

  • help

  • Did this trigger condition when the save is succesfull and load is successfull not worked in Android Crosswalk?

  • [quote:s4xccn8p]We would like to inform that your application statically linking to a version of OpenSSL that has some security vulnerabilities for users. Forward your application to the latest version of OpenSSL within 60 days after receiving this notification (no later than July 7, 2015). Start date, Google Play will block the publication of new and renewal applications anything that uses OpenSSL older version that is not supported (see below relevant details).

    [quote:s4xccn8p]To confirm your OpenSSL version, do grep uses:

    $ Unzip -p YourApp.apk | strings | grep "OpenSSL"

    What is grep? and how to do it? anyone have this same problem?

  • Awesome

  • Need help cranberrygame ..

    When i export with Intel XDK using Phonegap Google Play Game it show a alert like this

    " Error: Plugin failed to install: ... d03b1b8c62 --variable APP_ID='YOUR_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID' ( ... d03b1b8c62 --variable APP_ID='YOUR_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID') "

  • Please fix the Demo Link.

  • *fix,

    I'm so sorry, i just forget to type what i want to type last post. And i'm so thanksfull about this plugin, i'm sorry if you get focus with my signature.

  • Anyone can make this plugin?

  • If you like the BEHAVIOR , a little help is always welcome! Donate

    Download Link :

    Other HMMG Plugins :

    Hey , so here is my new Behavior , if you have many non-main characters and getting bored searching and writing there names this behavior is for you


    Add the behavior to your Object , changes the Gender and Type if you want and let it Generate : First Name , Middle Name (if enabled in Properties) , Last Name , Birthday .

    How to install :

    Copy/Paste the Folder in the zip file to your behavior's directory

    Close and re-open Construct 2 if it's opened

    How to Use and Preview

    Preview of multiple instance of the same Object :

    Preview of Comparing 2 Object's birthday :

    Thankss so much!

    ************** Properties **************

    Gender : Set gender "Male|Female" , Default is Male

    Middle Name : Generate Middle Name "Yes|No" , Default is No

    Type : Set type "Child|Teen|Adult|Senior" , Default is Adult

    ************** Conditions **************

    has Middle Name : Return true is has Middle Name

    is Male : Return true if is Male

    is Female : Return true if is Female

    is Child : Return true if is Child

    is Teen : Return true if is Teen

    is Adult : Return true if is Adult

    is Senior : Return true if is Senior

    is Older Than : Return true if Character is Older than a given Date as Parameter

    is Younger Than : Return true if Character is Younger than a given Date as Parameter

    ************** Actions **************

    Set Name : Set Your Character's Name

    Set Birthday : Set Your Character's Birthday

    Set Gender : Set Your Character's Gender

    Re-Generate FullName : Re-Generate Full Name

    Re-Generate FirstName : Re-Generate First Name

    Re-Generate MiddleName : Re-Generate Middle Name

    Re-Generate LastName : Re-Generate Last Name

    Re-Generate Birthday : Re-Generate Birthday

    ************** Expressions **************

    FirstName : Return Character'sFirst Name

    MiddleName : Return Character'sMiddle Name (if he has One)

    LastName : Return Character's Last Name

    FullName : Return Character's Full Name

    Age : Return Age between Birthday and 'today' Or 'anotherDate (Return type Int)

    Exemple : birthday is 10/10/1992

    Sprite.CharacterGenerator.Age('today') => 22

    Sprite.CharacterGenerator.Age('15/05/2005') => 12

    Sprite.CharacterGenerator.Age('15/05/2000') => 8 (Usefull if your game scenario is not in Our today's Years)

    Birthday : Return Birthday Format "25/02/2015" (Return type String)

    BirthdayYear : Return Birthday's Year (Return type Int)

    BirthdayMonth : Return Birthday's Month (Return type Int)

    BirthdayDay : Return Birthday's Day (Return type Int)

    Gender : Return Character's Gender

    Type : Return Character's Type

    If you like the BEHAVIOR , a little help is always welcome! Donate

    hope it's gonna be usefull for some of you

    If any one have a probleme with the BEHAVIOR email me "" , i will reply at max 5 - 6 hours

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I've found my own way,

    Set the volume of the sound, if Mute, Volume = 0, and if UnMute, Volume = 100. That's the logic system.

  • rexrainbow

    hello rex, how to use your Video Plugin with offline mode? any instruction?

    when i try to playing my video, it doesn't show anything.

    I hope you can help me, thanks