ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I don't see any mention of the Z key in your event sheet. I see press space to change animation to Attack, and that seems to work.

  • I show this in my platform tutorial (going in a tunnel and coming out) but basically like this.


    isShop = 0

    playerX =0

    playerY = 0

    Just before the event to change to the shop layout set:

    isShop = 1

    playerX = Player.X

    playerY = Player.Y (Player is whatever the name of your player object is).

    Then on start of layout for the main layout create a sub event:

    If isShop = 1

         Set Player Position = playerX and playerY

         Set isShop = 0

    Something like that :). Then you a have that sub event for other changes that take effect after leaving the shop.

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  • I don't believe so, but it doesn't cost anything to try it :). Compile your game with Cocoon and test it out.

  • Be aware that Every X seconds is always running as it's based on the System Time. So when you restart a layout, that timer does not reset, so if the every 5 was do to come up next, then that's what would happen. Make sense?

    It's better to either 1. User the built in timer behavior or 2, create your own timer variable and add dt to it every tick. Then set it to 0 when you want it to reset.

  • Yeah, the infinite runner tutorial that is available in Construct 2 will get you started.

  • You need to use a wrapper. CocoonJS, Crosswalk, Phonegap to name a few.

  • No it was a later game, on the 360.

    I don't really plan on it, at least not in my mobile games.

  • I remember one of the basketball games you could actually shoot around by yourself while waiting for the game to load. Might have been one of the street games.

    Mario 64 you could grab his face with the hand and stretch it around, haha.

  • I think the best thing to do is try it with the gamecenter options. I believe the plugin is designed to be more generic (leaderboards, achievements, purchases, etc) and then when you cloud compile it takes note of which options you select in the cloud compiler and compiles each distribution differently based on your selections. Then you just need to name your leaderboard the same on both Google Play and GameCenter and then you can just say, post this score to this leaderboard in C2. I think the name gamecenter in the plugin is confusing.

    I'm not sure if I am explaining that very well. Does it make sense?

    When I have time I plan on trying it myself.

  • I have a question on the forums about the Google Play Games support. I also emailed support and they said they would just answer the question on the forums. That was 4 days ago.

  • I didn't design the game to have room for a banners during gameplay, which is why I am just using Interstitials on WSKF2. I'm pretty happy with the results so far. As the game gets more installs, the numbers will just increase.

  • szymek

    Here are some stats from a full day (yesterday).

    Let's Spell and Word Search are both running Banner ads and were built using phonegap through eclipse. I manually added in the admob sdk.

    Let's spell has 14,000 active installs and Word Search as 16,000 to give you an idea.

    Word Search 2 is just running admob interstitial ads through mopub/cocoonJS. It has about 1,000 active installs currently.

    883 Requests

    $1.35 revenue

    $1.56 eCPM

    Right now it's working ok, much better than greystripe. Once I have a full month of it running, I can give some better numbers.

  • If you are using the platform behavior on the player, you can use the New Vector action adding or subtraction from vector x and vector y.

    You should already have a instance variable on your player stating which direction they are going in, so based on that, you make the player get knocked back.

    Here is a pretty crude example.

  • What I did above worked. So in a nutshell.

    On start of first layout, preload ad.

    Show that ad when you want. If you want to show another ad at another time, use Refresh Ad to gather a new ad and then show it when you want.

    Hopefully that makes sense :).