ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Thanks to both of you.

    I'm really trying figured out exactly what they are trying to do with the code and just reconstruct it using Construct.

    My issue right now is variables that are created in the Java Script code cannot be accessed by C2, or by other functions that I can see. Recreating what they want in C2 might be the only way.

    Or I need to go the SDK route, if that will even work with what they want.

  • Or if anyone else has a clue :)

  • R0J0hound

    Before I go jumping into the SDK, how do I take my code from above and do what you said? Do I replace all the double quotes with single quotes?

    OK, I think the answer is yes as I don't get any errors.

    Now the next issue is

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Do I use Ajax for this, or should I create functions in code to do these?

    I am really hoping this info will come in handy to others that plan on selling their games to publishers. Getting this all work out will make it much easier in the future. :).

  • Yes it will be on iOS/Android and Win8

    That's pretty interesting news about Flash CC. Pretty cool actually.

  • Thanks, I'm not sure what version is online at the moment, I'll make sure that has been fixed though.

  • AnD4D I used spriter to create the animations, but exported to PNG files.

    Thanks. It's almost done, just finishing up the UI.


    All made with C2 and all available on iOS, Android.

  • Greystripe and AdColony were the only 2 I got working.

  • Here is one I am currently working on. It's an infinite runner type of game with 4 layers of moving parts that transition over time. Not sure exactly what you are asking, but if there is something here, just ask and I can try and help on how I did it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Oh, good point Ashley, I hand't even thought of that.

  • Gotcha! Thanks.

  • Thank you. I haven't looked into making plugins, I might do that first.

    Appreciate the help.

  • I need to manually input some JS code into the c2runtime.cs in order to comply with my customers API.

    What is the best way of doing this? The code is a simple function which will be needed when I send some AJAX calls.

    <img src="" border="0" />


  • Cool idea! Udemy is really starting to annoy me now as they are taking a larger and larger chunk of revenue. This might be a great alternative.

  • C2 has taught me so much in terms of programming that it is making my switch to unity much easier to grasp. I am with jayderyu, Construct 2 may not be coding, but it has taught me how to program. Now as I begin projects in unity, things that seemed so foreign before, suddenly make sense.