ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I've never tried the Mac App Store, only iTunes. Sorry,

    Maybe I will look into it this week if I get time.

    FYI, tagging people doesn't notify them of the thread unless they have already posted in it :).

  • BluePhaze this latest one, yes. Kaplow has all new assets, some game changes and I had to implement API. It was a bit of a pain, but Ashley helped me out. I'm waiting for final approval from the customer now.

    They paid well for the changes, so not complaining :).

  • Not at the moment. I lost my "studio" space at home as we are doing a bunch of remodels. I'm not sure I will get it back anytime soon. I like doing them, and people seem to enjoy them :).

  • I believe it pulls randomly, but you can set a priority in mopub if I am not mistaken.

    I haven't really tried, I prefer to keep all my ads revenue with one place, even if it pays a little less.

  • Yup, I fixed it by doing this. DUH!!

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • The game is based on three paths that the player navigates up and down. The moveTo is telling the People family to moveTo another path. Those target positions are just the location on the path to move them too.

    I think if I set it up so each collision check also checks for path, and had 3 collision checks instead of the one, it would work better. I have a feeling some of the events below the triggered event is getting triggered when I change the path. I think that is what you were saying.

    In other words, if there was a way to break out of the condition after the true value was found, that would fix it. If People.Path = "Top" --- Do Events. Then break out of the event

    Maybe. :)

  • I think just removing the trigger once solved the problem.

    I'll keep testing, but it's looking good.

  • Thanks, I'll try all of that.

    I don't think Zombie is getting in the way. He is not part of the People family and never checks for collisions on humanMove.

    I should also note when using on Collision instead, no trigger once event is used and the problems where still there.


  • Hungry Hal is getting rather close to completion and I am squashing some bugs, but this one has me stumped.

    They way the code should work is when a box or tire is spawned it spawns an invisible block called humanMove. When an object from the People family is overlapping humanMove, it should move the object depending on a few conditions I have laid out.

    Now this works, a lot of the time, however it's not 100 percent accurate as I demonstrate in the screenshots.

    This image you can clearly see the two collision boxes overlapping. Not to mention I caught the tail end of it, the People object is moving from left to right, so it ran completely over the entire humanMove object.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    These two screenshots show the properties for the humanMove instance and People instance.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Lastly is my code.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm not sure if the collision event is even happening or not. Is there a way in the debugger to determine that?

    I have also tried it with on Collision, same results. I have also tried it with humanMove set to visible and it still happens. I'm missing something, and it's probably something little and I am not seeing it :).



  • This is a long shot, but I wanted to reach out and see if there were many C2 users in Arizona.

    I'm in Tucson and I thought it would be fun to get together and do a Jam. I own and arcade here in town so I have space to host.

    Just wanted to throw it out there.


  • Apple does not even allow iAds on games that are labeled for kids. You can put them on, but after a few days they will stop serving ads. I know this from experience :).

    This happened before the parental gate thing, so maybe you can do it now. I don't know.

  • If you are going iOS and it's not a kids app, I would recommend using mopub + iAds.

    Ludei explains it on their wiki. Scroll down until you see the iAds section.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Joannak, I am stupid too then because I couldn't find it.

    Great work to the op, but it would be great to get it on a site we don't have to register to download and print it. Thanks.

    I would happy to host it.

  • Something like RPG Maker might be a better fit for a beginner. However if you want to do it with C2, by all means, go for it. It can certainly be done.

  • Delete step 1. You submit your app when it's finished.