ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I was considering selling my Word Search and Spelling game templates as well. I would reconsider your prices though. I understand you want to keep prices down, but if the prices are too low it will flood the market with games exactly like yours.

    Don't make it too easy on people to reskin your games . You took the time and effort to make these games, don't sell yourself short.

    That's just my opinion of course .

  • If you use the Touch object, by default the option to use mouse input is selected.

    I don't generally even use the mouse input unless I would need access to the right and middle buttons.

    To answer if there is a quick way to go from Mouse inputs to touch, I don't know of a way beside going through each one and replacing it. Sorry.

  • Great work on the Defender type game man. It looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to playing it .

  • Nope, matter of fact I posted about it several months ago .

  • I don't have the time, really. If you really need it done, I suggest you post in the For Hire group and offer to pay someone to make it for you.

  • Well you also need to do a compare to see if the variable is > 0 before you are able to launch.

  • newt, I think what he is asking is if he creates a function on one event sheet, is it accessible from other event sheets by default. I don't believe it is global in that sense.

    I will typically create a new event sheet called Functions, and then Include that event sheet on all other event sheets that need to access those functions. You can do that by right clicking a black area of your event sheet and choosing "Include Event Sheet"

  • Check out the Physics-Catapult Example project in C2. Create a new project and you should see it in the list of templates.

  • I don't have any problems with CocoonJS. I never use the launcher though, I always compiler with the cloud compiler and test on my devices.

    Black screens a lot of the time means you are using a plugin or behavior not supported in Cocoon.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Well sorry man, I don't have the time either.

  • Without seeing you CAPX, it's really hard to say what the problem is.

  • See those dotted lines? That is your Window area, or Camera view. It starts in the upper left corner (0,0) and grows down and to the right the size of your window.

    Hopefully that makes sense?

  • There is no point in just making a CAPX for you. If you are serious about making games, you need to learn the game engine. As you go through the beginner tutorials, you will learn how to make a game like this. Take the time to just learn C2. Don't be in such a hurry to build your game until you can understand how it works so you can add to it and fix bugs later.

  • Construct 2 is a designed to make HTML5 games. In order to create mobile games for iOS you need to use a wrapper. CocoonJS is one, Ejecta is another. Gamecenter works on both of them.

    Both will take some time to learn, and you will need a mac, apple development account, and iOS device in order to publish to the itunes app store.

  • Yeah, I'm having a really hard time figuring out the problem you are describing.

    Is your origin point in the center of the image? Is that causing issues?

    There is a free program called JING that will allow you to easily take screen shots and quick videos and post them online to share. Maybe if we could get a better understanding it might help.