ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • OK, the freeze up only happens with More Games on mobile devices (Tested on ipad mini and nexus 7). All others work like logo.

    Confirmed the audio issue on my ipad mini. I'm going to remove music all together from the game and see if that helps at all.

    PixelRebirth anything you can think of why the "more_games" action isn't working like the others? Works fine on PC browser, but on 2 mobile browsers I tested it just locks the game as soon as it's called.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thought I would bump this every few months just in case .

  • You just create a layout and make it your startup layout. Then after so many seconds (Wait 10 seconds) you have it go to your next layout.

    In your case I would probably use 1 layout for the Dev Name, Publisher, Platform and just use Construct tools to animate the sprites or whatever you want to do. Then goto your title screen after the final animation is done or after so many seconds.

  • It's just for adding text after the value. Like "Coins" or "Points" or "Gold Pieces".

    1 - is for the singular. 1 Coin

    Other - is for the plural. 10 Coins

  • Yeah, that seems right. I wish I had a day to just dig into the new plugin, but honestly I think they need to fix a lot of it first. I'm just going to wait until they get fixed what is reported on the github site and then dig into it. Also might be a good idea to wait until Ashley officially releases it with a C2 update. They did say they are working on it. Might be worth it to post there.

  • What do you have your formatting set to?

  • Odd, I didn't. Maybe it's case sensitive.

  • Every Tick Add dt to Score[/code:10hde89n]
    I assume you want to do this so your score continues to rise the longer you play.  When you display the score, you might want to display it as a whole number so do something like int(Score) when you display it in a text object or whatever.
  • I don't have an answer, but FYI. Tagging people in threads doesn't notify them unless they have previously posted in that thread .

  • IF this is actually a C2 bug, has anyone reported it in the bugs forum?

  • I'll take a look today sometime.

  • matthewhxq that is how I had it the first time I failed, so I added the volume control, and it still failed.

  • I have not dug into doing iAP yet.

    Link me to your game and I can install it, and purchase it and grab a logcat.

    -Give me the steps I should follow to reproduce the issue.

    -Screenshot the actual C2 event sheet where the code is happening.


  • PixelRebirth, I'm not sure what else to do with the audio. What do you think about the bottom Gameplay error? After pressing the branding logo, when returning to the game it freezes?

  • Admob website updated about a year ago, I haven't gone through the update process. The more people are having issues, the more I think I might need too. Even for fear of breaking my ads .

    Mine still looks like this, you can see the blue UPGRADE button at the top.