most of us cant use 2.0.0 with ads because it doesnt show ads. At the same time 1.4.7 and the open source Cocoon JS, only works with normal banners, you can hotfix the refresh banner by editing the runtime, but it wont fix the broken preloadFullAds, and it asks for it on refresh or request. So pretty much at the moment:
You can only banner ads, with 1.4.7 and cocoon js plugin with hotfix... Instead of getting better, it gets worse, what i am not surprised... Of course with 1.4.7 you cannot use music also, crash on sleep...and dont started on how many people told me that my app eats battery like candies even with suspend.
At the same time 2.0.0 you can finally plays music with no crash on sleep, but it seems crashes more often on some phones and of course no ads. A proper compiler cant come soon enough, but we are probably many months away...