ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Say I have 6 instances of an object on the screen. Right now using the For Each Event it destroys all the objects at the same time. That's ok, but is there a way to put a timed delay between each instance being destroyed?

    This capx doesn't show much, but when the button is clicked I would like to destroy each sprite with a 1 second delay between each one.

    Thanks so much.

  • That's ok. It would also work if you could load in frames of animations like you currently can with sprites, then just call the different frames. I don't know if that is possible either :).


  • Is there a way to load the image used for spritefont at runtime?

    I'm working on a game and I would love to switch the fonts from level to level (not really the font, but the color and style). Since there is no frames in Spritefont, is there a way to load in a new png in the event sheet?

    Thanks for this amazing plugin. Really great.

  • Hello Everyone.

    My name is Ed Farias. I'm a network admin by day, and father/husband by night :). I own a company called Arcade-in-a-Box, and it's been over many transformations over the years. From early on building retro arcade style control panels, then custom arcade sticks for ps3/360 for fighting games.

    I also opened up a game center/arcade where I restore classic arcade cabinets. I have a deep love for classic arcade titles from the 80s, so me an some friends created a web series on youtube called Retro Rumble. It's kind of a game show base on classic arcade games.

    I have always had a desire to build my own games, and I have been programming since very young in basic, and then onto Visual Basic and not VB 2010. However, it't not a great gaming platform so I started messing with Gamemaker and rpg maker several years ago, but I never finished anything.

    Something is different with Construct 2, and I love it.

    Thanks for the amazing program and affordable prices.

  • OK, I figured it out. Genius man, I didn't even think of using the instance variables :). Thanks again. I learn so many new things about construct every day.

  • Thanks man, that is really awesome. I'm still trying to wrap my head around exactly what you did. If I have any questions I will post.

  • I'm thinking maybe there isn't an easy way to do this LOL.

  • Yeah sorry. Completely spaced it

    For my sake, I currently don't have any of the Check for 0 conditions, only because it's a ton of work and I wanted to know if there was another way first.

  • My subject probably makes no sense, but I wasn't sure how to explain it.

    I'm making a word search game. The game works great right now, but there is a ton of code and I am wondering if there is a way to shrink it.

    I'm using an array to store a 1 or 0 value for each letter in the grid.

    I am using that to check if a word is formed. When a letter is clicked on, it turns the array index of that letter to a 1.

    Say the word is bat at position 1,2,3. I check if and and are = to 1. If so, that word is found. however, I also need a condition if all the other letters are set to 0. So for each word there is 26 lines of actions.

    Is there anyway to shrink this? Eventually I would like to just create strings of data to build new boards and have a Key variable has the key for each board.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • OK, I feel like an idiot. Thanks. :)

  • I'm not sure if this is by design or a bug. I remember I used to be able to add points, but now it's just greyed out.

    If I missed a report of this already I apologize.

  • Could this be done with a database, php and ajax?

    Something like (thinking out loud here).

    Database Table:

    Player 1

    Player 2



    In your game.

    Player 1 playing his game.

    Game checks database for PlayersTurn data. If 1, game continues.

    Player 1 plays.

    Turn over, send data to database setting PlayerTurn = 2 and GameString to whatever data you need to send for the other player.

    I'd be happy to do a tutorial on it if you think it would be useful.

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  • Can you keep the arabic but put the english translation below in Parenthesis, and much smaller? That way it keeps the Arabic text which looks cool, but we also know what it says.

  • I did add a tutorial for the high scores table. It should be under Tutorials and New.

  • Just a few minor changes. Added a restart button to the high score page instead of main menu. The Reload was just being lazy so I took the time to reset all the variables and group activated properties on the start of the layout so now you can restart quickly :).

    Thanks again for the replies and feedback.