ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I'm working on a helicopter game and thought it would be cool to add the ability to strafe left and right.

    I'm not totally sure how to do this since it will depend on the angle the chopper is currently at as to how the x,y will change. Is there a math equation that does this anywhere?

    Thanks :)


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  • Soon as the object is touched, record it's x and y position to a variable, then if it not in the right place, put it back to the positions in the variables.

    Is that what you mean?

  • Got the issue figured out. I was doing everything right, it just so happens the directory I put my game in was a subdirectory of a wordpress install. The .htaccess file was causing issues.

  • Here are snap shots of the properties on both projects for spritefont.

    The game it works with.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The game it doesn't.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The game it doesn't work with using a bigger sprFont img it has the full alphabet in caps, then numbers. The first one that works only users the full alphabet in caps. I'm not sure if that matter.

  • Enable WebGL is set to enabled on both of them.

  • Strange thing is I have 2 games that use sprite font. One works with Cocoon and one doesn't. I may need to do some research and see what different settings I have.

  • Has anyone successfully uploaded to Kongregrate in the last week?

  • I just got an email back from Kongregate support that they are looking into the issue.

  • I've sent an email off to Kongregate as well. I'm been messing with this all day. I feel like I am missing something somewhere.

  • Well I tried an iframe file, same thing. It's almost like the kongregate site is screwed up and passing on the wrong URL from one page to the next. I doubled checked the URL in my browser and it's right. Tried it with and without the http://

  • So I have been trying for a few days. I Know there are tutorials on Scirra, but they all seem to have been made before the official Kongregate Exporter was available.

    I'm exporting using the Kongregate option.

    I'm uploading my game to my site (In this case,

    For the IFrame address I type

    When I go to the preview, the window show "Page cannot be found"

    Am I suppose to be creating an iframe html myself to use and that is what I put in the for the iFrame url? I'm not finding any difference between exporting via html 5 and with kongregate.


  • Thanks. I'm actually modifying it to where you need to hold the mouse button down while moving, seems to fix the issue with the mouse moving out of the window.

  • Well I've been working on my second game for a few weeks. It's a remake of the Atari Classic Kaboom!

    It will available on mobile as well, I just need to adjust the difficulty for mobile. I have a few things left to do like.

    1. Add background music

    2. Bonus score for passing levels

    3. Possible bonus points for consecutive bombs caught in a row.

    Play Kaplow!

    Art was all done by a friend of mine. He is always looking for work if anyone is interested, let me know.

  • This currently doesn't work with CocoonJS. Just wanted to mention it. I think this is a very powerful plugin as it allows us to create our own fonts to make the games look good, without the need to include fonts/css file and hope the browser they are playing on supports it.

    By doesn't work, I mean the text doesn't show up when testing with the CocoonJS launcher on my phone. Just see blank white boxes.

  • So simple, but effective. Thank you very much.