antares330's Forum Posts

  • I'm interested to see if any of the C2 veterans have a easy fix for this...

    If nothing else, you could make the inventory items all be created when the game is paused...

    You would put the create inventory events into it's own sheet and include it into all the sheets that you can go to the inventory screen.

  • Hey

    You could make another animation... a running/attacking animation...

    Or you could make the arm a separate sprite. Then Pin it to the player, and have animations for it. (like running, or attacking)

    In this method you could have the arm doing anything while the body is still running.

  • antares330 It's okay. I was referring to newt

    Oh... I see... xD

    Why not use the User Media Object? It is currently supported by Chrome.....

    wow... I had no idea that was built in, I'd never really looked that close at User media. (thought it was just mics and cam)

    I guess I'll mark this thread as finished... as it looks user media has exactly what I need!

  • I had no intention of "bashing" anyone... I just didn't know what he meant and tried to clarify what I'm trying to accomplish...

    especially not a veteran in the forums that has helped me countless times...

    (BTW Happy Birthday Newt )

  • Why would anyone want to make video's of their game?

    Oh, wait...

    I'm slightly confused... Are you suggesting that I should just record with OBS or bandicam?

    The whole point would be to make a tool with it. (so you can export video, without hassle and other tools)

    (bonus of being able too capture footage without real recording software)

  • Hey guys,

    I'm always trying to stretch the border of what C2 can be used for. I've been looking at video inside construct 2 recently.

    I found Whammy (more info here ... javascript), which looks like it can turn canvas images into a video.

    I would LOVE to have that capability in C2, and am looking for someone to integrate it.

    I don't know how much work this is for one of you pro plugin/behavior experts, but I would love to get a quote from you! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    rexrainbow ? I don't know if you do custom projects, but if you do... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Thanks Justin

  • Firstly, C2 isn't the right place to make a chat app.

    Also, you might be interested in something this: ... 2?s_rank=1

    Learn a bit javascript and save yourself a bit of money <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    I would also be geared toward something on CodeCanyon... Unless you need something custom.

    In which case, C2 might work well!

    OP, do you need something special added?

  • Wow, I should have thought of that.

    Nicely done and thanks

  • But I've checked into both of them... I didn't see a way of refreshing the double jump either.

    I want to be able to make the player jump whenever (even if the double jump is on cool down)

    Thanks for the reply!

  • I've just started working on an infinite runner (along the lines of geometry dash)

    and I've come across a problem that when my player almost lands and you try to tap, you tap to fast before the player is on the ground yet. So then you can't tap a 2nd time fast enough and you die. It's a problem I need to find a work around to.

    Nothing I've tried has worked... but what I'm sure would fix it, is a way to refresh the jump of the player. (like refresh it without hitting the ground)

    That way, I could pin something to the bottom of the player, and refresh the jump when he gets close to the floor. (without actually having to make him land.

    Any way of refreshing the jump in the platformer plugin?

    Thanks guys!


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  • Use Touch.TouchIndex to check which tap it is... (0 is the first tap, 1 is the 2nd and so on.)

    I was gonna make a demo, but I didn't have my phone handy to test it.

  • Your saying the first touch is messing up your 2nd?

    I think you can reference a certain touch. (or possibly the last touch)

    I'll take a quick look in C2 if I can make a quick demo for you. (Let me know if I misunderstood)

  • You already have a draw tool made?

    It would have to be based around what you've already made.

  • If I understand what you mean, you want to say something like...

    If Clicked or Touched AND another condition?

    Just put Clicked and touched in and "OR"

    and put your next condition as a condition below that one.

  • I doubt you're serious... but if you are...

    On Start of layout:

    loop 999999999999999 times

    create object (the most complex thing you have)

    I'm guessing your looking for a error message screen? What's wrong with just some text on screen and maybe a back button?