AngelRave's Forum Posts

  • This is perfect! the local Variable wouldnt work but a global one worked just fine, Thanks so much!

  • I havent' been able to get a reply since the spam bots showed up. anyone have any idea's?

  • Hello all, im currently creating a game that is inspired by the classic zelda games.

    In that regard im trying to program a way for the main character to bounce off of enemy's when weapons collide.

    sort of like when players weapon on collision with enemy's weapon- bounce the character backwards, also bounce the enemy backwards. enemy's and the main character are using the 8 direction function since this is top down view.

    any thoughts?

  • This helped greatly thank you, i had a problem with collisions and the npcs being solid as well but its a minor problem. the Y and X is what got it to work in the end.

    Thank you

  • Hello everyone, i am having the hardest time trying to get npcs to look toward me when i try to talk to them, i am also have difficulties trying to get npcs to stay in small area so they dont wander off where they shouldnt or worse get stuck

    this has to be easy right? i mean the first generation of pokemon and Final fantasy games do this. how hard can it be?!

  • I found out what was the problem!

    as it turned out i had a

    EveryTick Set listener object. once that was removed the lag was completely gone! thanks everyone for the tips and help!

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  • Thanks guys for the help, i'll give those a shot and hope for the best! =]

  • Hello all!

    I have spent 2 roughly years working on my project and i have noticed just recently (now that im almost finished ) that it is now starting to stutter lag here and there within the game, and then it would fade out. whats even more baffling is that if i reboot the game the problem doesn't seem to occur anymore.

    at the moment i have 60 layouts with over 9300 events and 100's of objects of course.

    each layout has roughly 100 to at most 300 objects

    and i highly doubt its my PC its on a higher end. and everytime i try debugging the problem never occurs, only in standard preview and on node webkit.

    any thoughts and suggestions would be so appreciated right now!!!

  • Ops! thanks for pointing that out! i didn't even realize it would upload in my native resolution.

    Hopefully they are easier to see now

  • [attachment=0:3gwx7ki2][/attachment:3gwx7ki2]



  • [attachment=0:3aohjidv][/attachment:3aohjidv]



  • Hello Everyone! My wife and I have been working for nearly 2 years on our first game project, it has turned out wonderful and frustrating!

    Neo Nova is about a high school student who finds himself alone in his school. Confused, he ventures off and discovers that something unnatural is happening on the school grounds. Nightmarish creatures poor in, cornering the poor kid, and eventually causing him to fall down a pit into the unknown. This is his story about survival and figuring out the unknown.

    Why him? Will he survive in the end? Why is this happening at the highschool in the first place?

    Neo Nova is a linear action platformer that is inspired by the Castlevania and Megaman gameplay styles with references from classic horror franchises, the core machanic of Neo Nova revolves around your flashlights battery, it can show hidden monsters so long as it has battery life, if the light goes out the screen will darken and a powerful creature will chase you down.

    Recently the game has been stuttering for some unknown reasons at random area's as well. i really hope i can fix these before i decide to release my game!

    you can find us on the steam greenlight concept area too!!!




  • and one more! =]

  • Hey guys! Here's something i have been working on for about 2 years and were about half way done with the game!

  • could you reupload? the link is down =]