Hello Everyone! My wife and I have been working for nearly 2 years on our first game project, it has turned out wonderful and frustrating!
Neo Nova is about a high school student who finds himself alone in his school. Confused, he ventures off and discovers that something unnatural is happening on the school grounds. Nightmarish creatures poor in, cornering the poor kid, and eventually causing him to fall down a pit into the unknown. This is his story about survival and figuring out the unknown.
Why him? Will he survive in the end? Why is this happening at the highschool in the first place?
Neo Nova is a linear action platformer that is inspired by the Castlevania and Megaman gameplay styles with references from classic horror franchises, the core machanic of Neo Nova revolves around your flashlights battery, it can show hidden monsters so long as it has battery life, if the light goes out the screen will darken and a powerful creature will chase you down.
Recently the game has been stuttering for some unknown reasons at random area's as well. i really hope i can fix these before i decide to release my game!
you can find us on the steam greenlight concept area too!!!