Allen T's Forum Posts

    • Current: Post-beta ver 0.82
    • Partial backdrops revamped
    • Implementing In-Game Achievements

    Sorry for the hold back again, I got sick for awhile.

    Here's some of my WIP screenshots:

    Just added some utencils on the background.

    I'm still pondering about switching to a more "pastel" color palette. (I think this is okay though.)

    Also, i'm working on adding in-game achievement system.

    About adding new elements...

    I thought of some ideas, and one of it is the point gauge (multi-digit numbers many mobile games have) But I think it's pointless for my game, unlike arcade-type games when you get points by having direct targets, but not so in my game which are hidden for players to intuitively interact. And also I don't want a in-game money system. (don't want players to buy stuff, but to unlock them by playing).

    So I think I have to hold off this 'new element' idea first, until when the game's more in completion...

    That's about it.

  • After a month of hiatus, (also dealing with my blog site problem) I have returned to my game development.

    This will be my 5th development stage: 'Web Release'.

    It's already near complete, what's left is to polish the game.

    Mostly it will be on making the game more accessible & attracting... which means improving some graphic to make it more pleasing, make it more 'fluid' to the gameplay, fixing a bit here and there etc.

    There will be no more fundamental changings, but the game lacks a few things in my own opinion: It needs more fun factor and I think some additional elements can help. This will probably to be thought over & confirmed in later posts.

    An outline of the plan is done & this is the simplified checklist:

    In the mean time, I also optimize my game file size to the extreme! Thanks to the online image-compression service TinyPNG, I can compress the images to about 30% of their original file size, with little noticeable image quality loss! Also I changed all my music tracks form stereo to mono, saves half of the sizes. All in all, I am now able to export the game (html) from over 60mb to about 30mb! Very nice!

    Next week, I'll be re-touching some backdrops, adding something and also changing the color palette to a more "pastel" feel!

  • I like the simplistic design with the oriental style and color palettes! It's really unique, I love it!

    A minor drawback is the upgrade menu has a bit confusing layout. (the '+' buttons are not aligned)

  • After the end of Beta hosting on June 20, here's my report & evaluations.

    The Visits

    Since my google analytics no longer show the stats correctly, so I use the old trusty web-counter. This time I traced numbers of unique visitors... (should've use 'number of visits')

    It's merely about 70 unique visits... over the hosting period of 3 weeks...

    I wasn't pushing my advertising hard enough. And sometimes it's just too hard to notice my promotional posts on social medias.


    I got only a few but constructive comments (thanks to some of your praises).

    Their critiques are basically:

    • The game still confuses a few of the players on the tutorial.
    • The judging sequence is a bit slow for some players.
    • Game takes up lots of memory & time to load.
    • Vesop-- difficult bi*ch

    Fortunately these are not very hard issues.

    (1)The game is designed to let players be intuitive & to try around stuffs. It's natural for first-timer to get's part of the gaming experience I want to have). Also, I think I gave just enough cues for most basic play-through.

    (2) I guess the transitions between scenes (also critic's reactions) can be a bit more faster. Will do.

    (3) This is a REAL problem that I been trying to remedy. As I add more graphics (& still plan to add more) into the game, it takes up space & memory heavily. This beta version contains 62MB! I will test out a 'resized & cut-corner' version, just to see if I can keep it about 40mb. Big challenge!

    (4)Well, I will make her less strict, and a bit more likable. (Just a little )

    Nobody says anything about the art/music, which kind of sad for me. I guess they really are not impressive enough... Oh well.

    A Reflect On my Promoting

    I don't know but... I wasn't very keen on promoting the game. (At that time I was busy pushing to ver0.8 update...Maybe I am a bit tired.) Well honestly, I did lose some degree of motivation. The passion was not there. I felt very reluctant of the promotional updates. It was not a good energy & attitude. ..

    I'm still passionate in my work though.

    By the way, I did not make any teasers or trailer videos for this beta release. But I will definitely make one game trailer!

    I really hope I will - at that next time - really pushing myself out of comfort zone and go a bit more beyond what I did before, on advertising & networking.

    That's about it! I will update the plans for game development on next month. (after I re-locate my site to another web-host)

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  • Looks like a very interactive sandbox game... Will definitely look into your work!

  • How big is the game? Took me ages to load the Beta. Or maybe just my connection is bad momentarily.

    Sorry for the late reply. It's around 60mb of data. It was about 45mb before the newest update... adding too many egg sprites.

    Thanks for playing! How do you feel about the game?

  • Real-life looking Raph with robotic movements is quite creepy~

    A good basic runner game by the way!

  • Is it the car being slightly burned by the flames, or is it just the video compression artifacts ?

    It will be sweet If everything can be burnt/damaged!

  • Closing date is coming. Better be quick If you want to play it !

  • For me:

    • Games that are not rip offs, and has their own ideas.
    • Great presentation. (nicely 'orchestrated' scenes, cohesive gameplay)
    • Always have something EXTRA (customization, side quests, easter eggs etc.).
    • Give me a sense of belonging/engagement.
  • Instead of plain boxes and dots, draw them into creatures or something. Make it look fun/funny & interesting! (I imagine the boxes are people & dots as bullets while playing)

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  • I like it. Game layout is well designed.

  • I like the clean minimalist design, control is good & nice beat music.

    One thing: I can't be blocked by the enemies, so I can cheat it by sprint towards the finishing points.

  • Hmm, dressing game I like the body-picture button interface, the random dice & screenshot are cool features!

    I think the background needs some work. A bit 'flat' without some shading or textures. Maybe adding more stuff into it?

    I really hope the cats will meow when i click on them