Hi there!
I'm totally new on this site and forum due to only recently becoming curious about game development and HTML5, so sorry for not being able to contribute just yet in that department.
However, I did grow up playing a ton of videogames, which I still do, so thought I should chip in with my own view on what makes me excited and worried about the games I see and try.
Having grown up in the arcades during the 80s and 90s, I instantly became a fan of simulator and versus type of games, such as the fighting and sport games. This has given me a certain "digital" input skill which makes me eagerly enjoy reactionary games that require fast inputs and decision making. The soundtrack is also a major part in how I feel about a game, similarly as shared by user SNN1135.
However, I suffer from the so called "Quake" syndrom which renders me helpless playing games that have quick changing camera angles like all first person shooters as well as plenty in 3rd person. Somehow the Japanese producers seem to be more wary of the problem and "limit" the camera angle movements. There are too many western developed games that I truly want to play but am forced to avoid.
The PS4 game, Until Dawn, was a game I recently had the opportunity to play and was positively surprised at how the camera angles became no issue at all. The game was made slow enough for it to not be a factor. Still I am always worried that the next great looking game to be released has not gone through enough testing to avoid motion sickness in games, perhaps because the issue (Quake syndrom) isn't very present among western gamers?
Sorry if this type of issue and discussion belongs in another part of the forum.