AlexSV's Forum Posts

  • I tried out my standard method of applying solids and jump thrus, which was to decorate my level with tilemaps and then use a separate layer for all solids and jump thrus... and it works fine.

    What's this weird interaction? Has anyone had this problem but me?

  • Also, jumping while on the Jump Thru platform next to the Solid wall seems to launch you into the sky... what?

  • Hey there, everyone. I'm seeing some weird interactions in a game I am making full of inside jokes for my friend as a wedding gift.

    So basically, I have a tilemap for the stage solids, and a tilemap for the jump thru platforms and decor objects.

    However, what I am seeing is that Jump Thru behavior tiles are acting really weirdly next to Solid tiles. For one, a Jump Thru will collide when it isn't next to a Solid wall, and the player will be able to walk on that Jump Thru tile if you walk along the surface to another Jump Thru near a wall. However, if you fall down from above, the player falls right through, even though that very same tile collided a moment ago.

    Also, it seems like a player on top of a Jump Thru tile isn't considered to be on the floor, since my code checks if the player isn't moving and is also on the floor in order to play the idle animation. When standing on a Jump Thru platform that is also next to a Solid wall, the walking animation never stops.

    My file can be downloaded here. The issue in question is on the Desert level. I have changed the blending mode on the "decor" tilemap to make them black and show which is which.

  • That was something that I was concerned about to start with: all these examples create cone-shaped lights rather than straight beams. I suppose I could sort of add invisible "blinders" to block the ray into a straight line....

    I feel like I want the beam firer to remain still while shooting for the sake of fairness. However, If I can figure out how to update the beam, then I'll give it a shot.

  • I'm not totally new to C3, but I'm learning new things every day. Let me see if I can sort of piece together the idea.

    So the concept that I believe I am reading **** that the drawing canvas is what will visually and physically represent the beam, and we are using line of sight to use raycasting in order to figure out what the shape of that beam that we are drawing into the drawing canvas will be, right?

  • Very nice! Glad I could help out a little bit. I completely forgot about For Each, haha.

  • I know that the way you have the code set up isn't picking things correctly.

    Like, if you had a player sprite and a block sprite, and when the player touches any block, it destroys the block. It doesn't destroy ALL the blocks, just the one you touch. That's because when you have the event "When Player collides with Block" it picks the specific player that touches the specific block. That's why only that block is destroyed.

    So notice that your code says "if any characters have a line of sight to any characters" essentially. You need to add another condition that weeds out stuff that you don't want.

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  • Hey there, I'm conceptualizing a hide-and-seek sort of game where It obliterates other players with a massive laser beam.

    The issue I am having is that I have literally no idea how to build the laser the way that I want. I want the beam to be blocked by anything that isn't a player's body, essentially. Or even maybe blocked by a player: hide behind a corpse to shelter yourself from the laser.

    Point is, I want the beam to be blocked by solids, but have portions of the beam continue. Here's a simple concept drawing.

    I was considering... would it be possible to use, like... a tilemap? Like a tilemap of many 1x1 squares? It doesn't seem very practical but... I dunno, that's all I could think of. Or maybe using a shadow caster somehow...

  • I'm not nearly as technical as some of the other users on the forum, but the first thing that popped into my head was an instance variable. I feel like this is already a part of the engine though. Don't sprites automatically get an object idea on creation?

    As you create instances of these little guys, you have a number instance variable that increases for each instance. So the first character has ID = 1, the second character has ID = 2, and so on.

    Then, you do a check using a comparison. If Self.ID =/= Character.ID, maybe that would work? I haven't tested this but I'm just tossing out ideas.

  • Hi there, everyone.

    I am programming a dice roll into a function that does exploding dice on 10s and critical failures on 1s.

    I am currently "using int(random(1,11))", since random picks a value one less than the second number, this should roll between 1 and 10.

    However, I suspect that these numbers are skewed against 1s and 10s because of int. Int rounds to the nearest integer, so when I roll my random value, a 2 would trigger on a value between 1.5 and 2.49, right? That also means that a 1 can only trigger from 1 to 1.49 and a 10 only on 9.5 to 10, reducing the probability of those numbers by half.

    Doesn't that mean that I should use "int(random(0.5,11.5))" in order to let 1s roll on 0.5 to 1.49 and tens to roll on 9.5 and 10.49?


  • It kind of blows my mind that you could remember not only the person involved in the topic from four years ago but the exact topic in question.

    Whenever I ask for help, I try to dig into the examples so I can understand how the end result was reached instead of just copying the code. I struggled with math in school, so I have some questions.

    So, when the game starts, we start at the left side at x = 1 since the loop index starts there (or at 0, we start on the left side, is what it is). We use... uuh some graphing equation (math that I didn't do well on) to create a sine wave that doesn't go below a certian y value. This gives us our "surface" pixel. Then our width is 1 since we are building 1 line at a time from the left, and we do the entire height possible of the screen downwards. If we went down below the earth, we'd see the exact sine wave as the top of the earth on the bottom side 640 pixels down, right?

    I'm a bit behind on the erasing code... I can tell both radius and dx are important here. In this instance, we use radius to set DX in order to get the erase code... so each shot that my students program would edit radius to determine the digging power of the shot.

    So... we take both a negative value of whatever the radius is and a positive value of the radius to build essentially a "diameter" of how big the hole is going to be with a range of values. So with -50 and 50, we have 100 loops of this code. Every time we repeat the code, we shave off a ring of the attacked area from... the outside in? I'm basically guessing. This is why I went to summer school for math, haha.

  • Hello there! I teach Construct 3 to 4th-6th graders as an elective at my school. Recently, one of my students has been trying to make a little tank game where two tanks roll around and shoot explosive shells at each other. He wants the terrain to be destroyed in circular chunks, like explosions from the Worms series. I must admit, he is stretching the limits of my understanding of Construct 3, and I want to learn more about how C3 works in order to help him.

    I have dug around on the forums, but I keep finding older topics with broken links and conversations that I can only partially pull context from since all the images are gone.

    From what I can gather and what I have (poorly) attempted, I am using a tilemap with 2x2 tiles to represent my earth, and explosions create a sprite object with a circular-shaped collision box. At this point, I need to load all of the tiles that are overlapping the circle into an array and then delete them, correct? I am a bit fresh on arrays, I have only used them to contain level data for spawning a certain number of enemies on certain levels of a game, that kind of deal.

    So I suppose I am asking, how do I properly detect the overlapped tiles, and how do I load them into an array correctly so that I can use the array to destroy them? Or, am I going about this in a difficult way?

  • Thank you so much for this information! I feel like I have gained a lot of useful tools for my toolbox!

  • I see. Since mine doesn't have solid walls I suppose it's good that I have it!

    One last question. I am not familiar with local variables. Why not just use global variables? Unless the variables aren't needed outside of that particular sub event. Do local variables only exist within that sub event and basically cease to exist outside of that particular event?

  • Is this what you are trying to make?

    This is literally exactly correct. I sort of understanding how this is working, but I was wondering if I could ask some clarifying questions. I don't fully understand it, and while I could just copy it and walk away, I'd like to understand it more fully so that I can do it myself in the future.

    It says for "min" and "max" expressions that it is calculating the minimum and maximum of things, so I assume that if I put in, say, max(3,5,Player.x), then, unless my player x was bigger than 5, it would always return 5, right?

    So what those four expressions in the "for each" do is, for every player that is on the screen, calculates the farthest point of the relevant bounding box for that object, then compares it to the previously calculated value from the previous cycle (which is why max is set to 99999, where no object would reasonably be). I see it's using a "min(max" or "max(min" at the very start of each expression, but I'm not quite sure why that part is done...

    After all that is done, it finds the center of the box by adding the values together and dividing it by 2, and lerps via delta time x 16 (this number could be adjusted however I want, I'd assume).

    It calculates a value to scale the layout to by dividing the difference of the min and max values by the original size of the viewport, then clamps it so it can't go beneath 1.

    I'm a little shaky on the math for the viewport calculation (because I am bad at math) but I think I understand the concept.