Hey there, everyone. I'm seeing some weird interactions in a game I am making full of inside jokes for my friend as a wedding gift.
So basically, I have a tilemap for the stage solids, and a tilemap for the jump thru platforms and decor objects.
However, what I am seeing is that Jump Thru behavior tiles are acting really weirdly next to Solid tiles. For one, a Jump Thru will collide when it isn't next to a Solid wall, and the player will be able to walk on that Jump Thru tile if you walk along the surface to another Jump Thru near a wall. However, if you fall down from above, the player falls right through, even though that very same tile collided a moment ago.
Also, it seems like a player on top of a Jump Thru tile isn't considered to be on the floor, since my code checks if the player isn't moving and is also on the floor in order to play the idle animation. When standing on a Jump Thru platform that is also next to a Solid wall, the walking animation never stops.
My file can be downloaded here. The issue in question is on the Desert level. I have changed the blending mode on the "decor" tilemap to make them black and show which is which.