That is a lot of work on my end and it won't help you learn!
Look, start with something small.
Try making an AI that will move towards you or away from you. Use a timer and a random number inside of an instance variable to set AI patterns for your AI.
Give it a try on your own before you read the next part here. I'll explain it, but you should try at least to figure it out on your own.
You can do it like this.
On start of layout -> Start AI Fighter "Random Picker" timer, regular 2 seconds.
This starts a timer on our AI fighter when the layout begins. This timer repeats because it's regular.
On "Random Picker" Timer -> set AI_Fighter "Behavior" number to int(random(3))
Random will set the number randomly between 0 and 1 less than the number you put in, so in this case, randomly from 0 to 2. The int part rounds the number to a whole number. That means it can be 0, 1, or 2.
Now, make your code do this.
If "Behavior" is 0, don't simulate control.
If "Behavior" is 1, simulate control left.
If "Behavior" is 2, simulate control right.
This will make an AI that sits still or moves left or right ever 2 seconds.