Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • like every one above me said the best thing you can do is experiment on your own. Another suggestion is that if you want to make a game, Start small keep it in reason dont add stuff that bloats the game making it a bigger project than it needs to be. I know the problem my friends and I used to have when we first started making games was we would make it too complicated for our own good. Try to make a simple easy (to make) game that is fun. I highly suggest not starting with things like RPGS and such because yes the coding tends to be easier but the sheer amount of work that has to be done otherwise: Making NPCs, writing the script for all the NPCs, programming their movement ETC. All that stuff. just remember to Keep It Simple! then once you feel that you have the skills to make a larger scale game Go for it. If you do it be fore you think your ready the whole time you'll be thinking "I cant do this" when you really can and that will suck all the fun out of the game making experience.

  • 20 turning 21 in a couple of months...

  • Thanks glad you liked it im working on another version that doest use the cam points but it does not run very smooth yet maybe ill post how to do that next...

  • The resource bar is more for the songs and external file you may need to run the game (Text files or some other type of files) if you want a object to go between layouts check its properties and click Global on. It will always be in the layout then when you make a new one so you dont need to keep making the same sprite over and over....

  • ***************************

    Aeal�s platform Camera Tutorial.



    This is a basic tutorial for creating a nice camera in construct for Side Scrolling platform games. Its pretty easy to do you do need to know how to do a few things though before you can start.

    1. Make Private Variables in sprites

    2. Basic event sheet know how.

    3. Ability to translate my Pseudocode into events

    How the Pseudocode is set up.

    +These are the conditions

    -These are the actions

    The end result:

    Your character will be in the lower left hand corner of the screen when he is walking to the right. When he starts walking to the left the camera will scroll and stop till he is in the same position on the right hand side of the screen. Creating a nice scrolling effect with little to no hard coded math, that can be easily manipulated by Private Variables.

    What you need to create in construct:

    4 sprites



    -Back Camera

    -Forward camera

    The Camera and Camera points Should be as thin as possible height dosent matter so much as of right now.

    Private Variables (named what you want but here is what I named them and attached them to)

    -Walking Direction �Character Sprite


    -Xoffset -Camera

    -Scroll rate-Camera



    Here is what each variable will do in the code:

    Walking direction - This is a flag that will tell us which way the character sprite is walking.

    Yoffset- This will be how high above your head the camera is.

    Xoffset- This is how far away each camera will be away from the character

    Scroll rate- This is how fast the camera will scroll(in pixles per tick)

    FowardCam - This is another flag variable telling us when the camera overlaps the forward camera

    BackCam- Does the same as the Forward camera but with the back end instead.

    Now for some eventing:

    NOTE Creating event sheets:

    I personally like to keep all my event sheets separated. So Ill have like player General events that control all the players movements and animation. This is where I would set his walking Flag. I would also have a separate camera event sheet so I know where it is and what is does. If you using this in a game then I would suggest putting this in a separate event sheet or at the least in a separate group so you know where it is.

    Setting our Flags:

    First we will set the flags to go off when we want them too. So if you have a Player event sheet go there. Here is the event that I used for setting my flag:

    + A button is pressed

    -Set player.value(�Walking direction�) to -1

    + D button is pressed

    -Set player.value(�Walking direction�) to 1

    Since I am using WASD as my platform controls I set the flags to go off when A and D are pressed you could change them the any keys you want or experiment with negative and positive speeds or on control pressed, but i've found this works nicely.

    Here is our next bit of code to set the camera flags.

    + Camera.X < = BackCamPoint.x

    -Camera.value('Backcam') = 1

    +Camera.x >= FrontCamPoint.x

    -Camera.Value('Frontcam') = 1

    These let us know when to stop the camera scrolling so it does not go past your Xoffsets.

    Next its finally time to script the camera movements in. (Make sure you also Have the Center Veiw on me for the Camera ticked on.)

    +Always(every tick)

    -Set BackCamPoint X Postion to Player.x - Camera.Value('Xoffset')

    - Set FrontCamPoint X Postion to Player.x + Camera.Value('Xoffset')

    -Set BackCamPoint Y Postion to Player.y - Camera.Value('Yoffset')

    - Set FrontCam Y Postion to Player.y - Camera.Value('Yoffset')

    -Set Camera Y position to Player.Y � Camera.Value(�YOffset�)

    - Scroll to object(Camera) //Only use this if "Center Veiw On Me" does not work.

    These will have the two Camera Postion Always attached to your Character at the offsets in the Camera Private variables. You Might also want to make the player a Container for all the camera objects.

    Now for the Scrolling behaviors.

    + Player.Value('walking Direction') = 1

    + Camera. Value('Fowardcam') = 0

    -Set X postion "Camera" = Camera.X + Camera.Value('Scroll Rate')

    + Player.Value('walking Direction') = 1

    + Camera. Value('Fowardcam') = 1

    -Set X postion "Camera" = Foward Cam.X

    The first event works by checking to see if the player is walking right? Yes. Is My camera overlapping my forward Camera position? No. Then I'll Add to the cameras X position at the scroll rate. And it keeps checking till they over lap.

    The second event works by Checking the same values but if they are both true then it sets the camera at the camera point and does not scroll any more. now we just program a reversal of that same code but with the back Camera point.

    + Player.Value('walking Direction') = -1

    + Camera. Value('Backcam') = 0

    -Set X postion "Camera" = Camera.X -Camera.Value('Scroll Rate')

    + Player.Value('walking Direction') = -1

    + Camera. Value('Backcam') = 1

    -Set X postion "Camera" = BackCam.X

    That is it your done you should have a nice Scrolling camera with no hard coded variables! Now just run the debugger and play with your offsets and scroll rate to fine tune you camera! Hoped this worked for you Here is a .Cap with the code I have give here, for reference use. Let me know how you like it.

    To the CAP!

  • i posted about this issue in the first .97 release. i was just wondering about how this ever turned out. hidden docked bars tabs still bunch up like so.

    <img src="">

    it doesnt seem to have been fixed or be just a problem with my computer as i have it installed on multiple computers all with the same problem.

    Try going to preferences and changing the theme to VS2005 or 2008.

    The first 3(XP, Native XP and office 2003) all had the same bunching of the side bar. The others seem to work fine...

  • [quote:2icjnmxq]

    edit> every image I try to upload is labeled as an attack vector, so I don't have any avatar to show. sorry.

    You have to use a .JPEG or .GIF I dont know why but you cant use .PNG...

  • Before

    <img src="">


    <img src="">

    The only thing I changed was the private variable in line 3. It adds to the Characters PV score and it will always display the current score in the text box. I hope this helps if not let me know if i can help any other way.

  • You need to change it so that in event 3 when it destroys the AI it adds one to his score and it will work fine.


    • Bullet overlaps AI

    + destroy AI

    +Add one to player PV score

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try making it always set text ="Score :" +(str(PlayerSprite.value('Killcount")))

  • Hey I was wondering is it possible to create a list of possible NPC Names in a text file and then Randomly assign them to characters when you first talk to them?

  • Thanks Ashley. Also how do you make a username to contribute to the wiki?

  • Hey just go the new version. Great job guys! Just a quick question about "center view on me" it does not seem to be working... Keep up the good work I know you'll fix it soon.

    edit: Sorry didnt see the new post will do Ashley.

  • worked great thanks a bunch!

  • I need to write a bit of code that lets me grab a platform with the mouse and then throw it with the mouse. Any one have any Ideas on how to do this or example .caps?

    here is the psudocode I am currently using

    Platform Variables needed:







    +On click [platform]:

    -set : startX = mousex

    -set : startY= mousey

    -set :clicked =1


    +On Mouse Hold:

    -set : currentX = Xmouse

    -set : currentY = Ymouse


    +On Mouse Up

    +Clicked = 1

    -X velocity = startX-currentX (//iffy code here, but use these numbers together to get a speed)

    -Y velocity = startY-currentY


    +Every 3 ticks:

    +On Mouse Hold:

    -set : startX = currentX

    -set : startY= currentY

    // so the platform does not go flying if it is held in 1 spot too long....