Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • Still anytime I ask a question you always answer it... And quick too. I would have never have found that cap and I think that is exactly what I need. Just saying thanks thats all.

  • Deadeye all I have to say to you is you are quite possibly the greatest help ive ever had. thank you so much for all your help with this.

  • Well its more or less for our own use not for user created levels... our current project wont lend itself well to a create your own level style play... We also really want to do our best to stay away from the the grid style game...

  • I wanted to make a level builder for my current game...Ive had a few ideas but I cant seem to figure out a good way to do it...

    I had an Idea using inis to save the positions/size of all the objects but Im having trouble getting them to save right but other than that I don't have any Idea on how I would do it...



    its cool lol why would i mind?

    You would be surprised... There are some who would just though id check

  • In the lower left hand corner is a cross hair looking thing (its read and yellow) it changes the hotspot and will change where the "center" is...

  • [quote:dsjjup4m]

    One piece of advice: I know that organization is a good thing, and I admire your tenacity with naming everything properly, but you've taken it to extremes. You have one layout and fifteen event sheets. At least three of those are for player actions

    Thanks Yeah... I know I went over board with the event sheets Its easier for me to see what one does when it is Isolated. It just makes it esier for me to find. I will eventually go in and cut down the amount we have, but every time I have to implement something new I put it in a sheet and then I test it till it works then just for get about it I know it seems messy but it makes it easier for me to see whats goin on in the sheet with less events on the screen. I need to clean it up and go back a redo something that would be done better with fewer events. This is my first project in construct and I was really just learning it in the beginning now that I know more I will hopefully be able to program it better.

    [quote:dsjjup4m]Or, do like I did and check "Destroy on startup" for all of the contained objects that go along with your enemy, then use spawners to create your enemies at runtime.

    Good Idea I was going to implement this after I got the jumping working...

    [quote:dsjjup4m] In fact, I'd go so far as to say you should probably look into making a level editor/loader for this game. It seems that you want to make something big here. Once you get your engine down, concentrate on making a level editor instead of placing all of your stuff in the layout. It'll keep things lean when it comes to the final build.

    We want to do this but I dont really have any Idea on how to make a level builder.

    Thank you so much I will defiantly take your advice and clean up the code...

  • Would you mind i f I used this in my game if we find a need for it ( just the code).

  • Check you PMs i sent you a link to the thing I wrote for you... Sorry if its hard to use ill try to refine it ill let you know about any updates.

  • Sure NP I can have a demo for you your gonna have to give me a little time though Ill try to have it to you by the end of the day I have to go to work now but my boss is out today so I think can make a quick demo for you. Its not so bad once you get into it....

  • You could use an ini file. it just like a txt file but its is seperated by groups and Items. So you could have an A group and then the 1000 2000 and so on just use a get Item value this.

    it would be something like

    Every ini.Itemvalue(A,1000) // these are the groups and the items in the group.

    play A note

    you would use the ini object to write your values at the start of the program or make a program to write the file for you and then make it global and read the values as you need them. I think this would be a much easier way to read in from a file and is exactly what you are looking for... Hope this helps.

  • I think the problem may be how fast you have them falling. You have it so that As soon as you collied with the object it makes it fall. Try adding a timer.

    So it could be like

    On Collision with Block and Platform
       + Set Variable falling to 1.
    Platform variable = 1
    Every 1000 Millisecond 
         add 1 to variable Timer.
    Timer greater than Strength
         Fall block set y = y-2
    so you would need to add private variables for strength and Timer...
    Now for the respawn:
    The original problem was you had the platforms spawning at themselves. 
    So here is a bit of code that I think will have the desired effect.
    +Every 2000 Milliseconds 
      + Platform does not overlap Placer
               >Placer set Overlapped to 0
      + Placer:  'Overlapped' Equal to 0
          > SystemCreate object Fallblock 0  on layer 1 at (0, 0) from Placer 1 's pivot point
          > PlacerSet 'Overlapped' to 1
    The two other events are sub events and Overlapped is a Private variable in the Placer object.  This lets construct know which one to pick.   Hope this helped I have a cap with the respawn done but I gave you all the code if you want to see it I can upload it later.  Hope it all works out. 
    *Edit Again
    To make the block fall right that is the code except Make another collision object without the solid box checked on.  And set it so that it always sets it to player.x and player.y+ any amount that puts it where his feet would be. Set that object so that when it overlaps it set the timer to go off.
  • I could pm what I have now if you want a look its in a separate event sheet but other than that it might take a week... and its pretty easy to tell what enemy is the one Im testing... Also I only have 2 ground enemies but it made 3 terrain trackers....

    At least we have winter break to look forward to in a week or two Right!

  • Deadeye: Im going to PM the Cap to you sorry for the messy code Ive been learning as i do this getting better as I go... Its under the event sheet Ground AI

    Ashley: Ill try to get a Cap to you as soon as you can but I just got slammed with end of semester assignments.

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  • Im in class now finishing up a project Ill get a new cap ASAP.

    Side note

    I hate Power point with a passion right now.