a 2x2 png takes up 148 bytes. i think 2x2 is the minimum that can be loaded into vram, since its the smallest multiple of 2.
i seriously doubt 148 bytes is going to make your game have any loss in performance, the implementation of layout variables would probably use more power than the sprite anyways.
would a game really need that extra space?
Aeal i think youre a lil too paranoid about performance in that sense. if you really wanted to be making youre games that effecient why even use construct, technically its making youre game alot slower than it needs to be? why not use C++? well you dont really have to, do you?
The point was to save the Vram not to improve performance. I don't make games in C++ because I dont have the coding ability to yet. And What is the point of wasting those bytes? When I could go into the SDK uncommnet a line or two and copy and paste some code compile and I have my own solution. As I said before if you dont like the plugin I dont give a ***** I made it for me to use in my games I dont care if you use it I just uploaded it for people who would like something like that.
Please don't add unnecessary ACEs to "System" object. Construct needs compromise between number of ACEs to master and their power. The more there are ACEs, the harder is Construct to learn.
First of all they are your Basic set, get, compare, add, Subtract, aces same ones every other variable has. If you are too stupid to know what those do then you should not be making games. And if you cant remember what they do ITS IN THE NAME! READ IT!
But seriously, what's a small 2x2 or even 4x4 sprite going to do? heck, use a text object with no text! (or does that use vram in some weird rendering way?). You guys can't seriously be annoyed at using 148 bytes of Vram? That's BYTES! One nice fat texture in your game and those bytes just fade away up in the memory useage that one texture takes. There's practically no point to layout variables. Why not just use a global variable and tell it to change on the start of each layout you want it to change in?
First they wont fade away the ram will still be used. I know it maybe negligible in smaller games but Ive been working on a game where every bit of vram counts. and why the hell do you care if I make a plugin that dosent draw to the layout and uses private variables I never said you had to use it. To me it helps keep my layout clean and organized. Yet again I dont care if you use it. if you dont like it then dont use it your not hurting my feelings.
Lastly layout variables would be useful. you all said you have some way of getting around not having them and thats fine. but how can you say they are not useful when you all have a way to do that exact thing? The right wording that you are trying to come up with maybe that they are not an important feature to add right now, but don't go saying they would not be useful when you are doing the same exact thing.