Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • Umm DNF is never going to come out... EVER. 3D realms is gone now that could be because they have put one Mediocre seller out in the past 10 years but that is just a guess. and even if it is picked up by another studio it wont be the same.

  • >

    > > Since Construct won't even add a counter object

    > >


    > What do you need the counter for? you can just increment PVs to act as counters.


    graphic numbers

    Yes but isnt that what a text blitter is for?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi My name is Tyler.

    I grew up when the sega genesis and the super Nintendo were the big name in gaming. Some of my best memories are playing sonic in my basement as a kid. I have flopped between many diffrent things I wanted to be but Ive finally settled on a game designer.

    I do both graphics and programming and I enjoy both of them. i have made a few plugins for construct as well as some games that really show off what you can do with construct (see subject 66 and Dernier Caduea) I hope to eventully finish these projects as well as my recently announced tool cap.

    welcome to the forums

  • I think the way tiles and images will be handle will be through construct. you will have to import your own graphics and objects there is no good way to use a set amount beacuse alot of the feature you cannot change at runtime. ( animation frames are set, not being able to chang graphics of the sprite individually) saving and loading will be handled through the use of a family and you wil just put new object ins the families.

  • You dont need to make multiple topics about the same thing in different forums.

    did you post a bug report?

    or make a feature request?

    and if you did then that is really all you can do is wait until one of the devs fixes or you can request the source code and fix it yourself.

  • I know how to do most the stuff its just beig able to sit down and dedicate the time to it thats holding me back as of right now. Just looking for comments or suggestions.

  • Construct *is* for making specific types of games extremely easy to create... or at least prototype.

    As deadeye said some games are easier to create than other because of the plugins and behaviors but there is still alot of work to be done out side of the plugins.

    With the addition of global objects (not sure when they were added, but I asked for them a long time ago),

    Objects have had the ability to be global since I joined, they are useful for certain things but they dont work in the same way you think they would

    2. Orbit object behavior.

    Easily make objects orbit other objects. This is not an absurd request. It's easily coded in an object-oriented environment, and it would be extremely helpful in the case of arcade shooters.

    ummm if its so easy just download the SDK and program it yourself. construct is open source so the great thing about it is that you can add what you think it needs or what you want it to have.

    1. Tile grids. (That's what I'd use most.)

    In RPG Maker and Game Maker you can use a tiles sheet or tileset or whatever a large image containing tiles is called. You'd think something like Construct would have a similar feature.

    Im pretty sure that there is an ability to import a tile set somewhere as arcticus said. Also you can make a level editor easily enough and if you dont feel up to making one then you can wait till I get my the one Im planning on making out.

  • Since Construct won't even add a counter object

    What do you need the counter for? you can just increment PVs to act as counters.

  • Not trying to be mean but

    Just post some screens or something more than

    this is my cool game

  • Since I have seen alot of things latley with tools and what not I have decided that I will start working on a tool cap that will act as a level editor saver and loader all in one. I have entered the planning phase and have a few features that I plan on having in the cap when I finish it.

    The ability to save and load levels to external files

    I also want to have a mesh terrain deform so you can use meshes.

    a paint brush so it will show the tile you are placing.

    Place objects on different layers

    Basic size manipulation.

    a tool box with all your tiles shown

    a grid option so you can make tile based as well as free form.

    any other suggestions and comments are welcome. Im at school right so I wont be working on this hard core but I need a side project to distact my self when I get stressed so I though this would be a good idea seeing as there is none yet.

  • That new mentroid game looks awesome. A major departure from the normal metroid but AWESOME.

  • If you get a crash post it to the tracker.

  • If your going to post something that is a glitch you should probably tell a bit about it or link to the original topic so that other people may be able to help you easier.

  • Besides I think the grid movment behavior has an NPC selection wich moves objects randomly in a zone.

  • Construct tends to release once or twice a month with new updates. and since it is feature complete for the most part the next few builds will focus almost exclusively on bug fixes. .99 was a major revamp and there are a lot of bugs to be fixed.