Adic.48's Forum Posts

  • quite an interesting source. But still, in addition to dragging objects, I am also interested in the array itself. I was more interested in myself, here is this source, and its paid and better version for C3, which, unfortunately, I cannot buy yet:

    "Advanced inventory mechanics for your RPG game (Array-based). Take Items, split them, pick up them, read the description" (can be found in the C3 store)

    I kind of feel like I'm moving forward, but because I'm pretty weak at it, it's hard for me to achieve it

  • Why do you think so. I will try to understend from your words what I need to do.

    I added to my project "player", "skin" a couple of clothing elements, "on the ground", "on the player" and "in the inventory", the same for the weapon, for the apple i added only two sprites, "on the ground" and "in inventory". pants and jackets that are on the ground have the logical change "equip" and the digit change for sprites that are in the inventory:

    and this is what my inventory will look like, I planned that each item will have its own array with its own content. and for each slot, I made a "jmage point" where objects torn from the ground should be attached:

    in all families, except for the "Object" family, there is a "State" text variable. there are 4 variables in the "Object" family: textual "Type", digital "Frame" with a value of 0, one more digit, but already with a value of 1 "Amount", and the last logical variable "Stack":

  • I can't find the guide.

    All the sites and videos that I watched, apply to make 10+ slots, regardless of equipment. but I want the nummber of slots to depend on the what item is worm on the player. How can i do this?

    Here I want to make a similar inventory

    (By the way, this inventory is from a game that was created in 2014 on C2)

  • Sorry, but as it turned out everything is fine, I just made a mistake in the frames, everything works fine. thanks for the help.

  • like this?

    if so, only the topmost animation out of the four is working

  • OK, here's an addition to the first screenschoot

  • Yes, this is icredible work, I even think that I have already overcome this difficulty. But there is one moment left, everything works corractly except the attack animations, i.e. he hits but only upwards. I even tried to cram all this work into one animation and just then break it into frames, but that didn't help either

  • Yes, I added a variabel, and the attack animation starts working, but the idle animation stops working. I even tried to use a couple of variabels simultaneously, but still, one animation blocked the other.

  • How to add more animation to the game?

    I'm a beginner and I'm using Construct 2.

    In my project, all animations are triggered of the angle. But I don't understand how to add a new animation called attack that responds to a mouse click.

    I've already tried a bunch of options befor, but they all ended in failure

    (The image shows where I laft off andn what I already have)

  • Yes, this is construct 2. I just thought that it could somehow be opened in the program itself and not purely in text format.

  • Well, what can I say.. it's sad, I can't even open this file normally, because when I tried to find a link to "Xpanel" or "Binary Data", There is no downloed linl anywhere.

    And I did not find a video on YT about this case.

    I even renaming "c3p" or "capx" out of sheer frustration, but as expected it didn't help.

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  • Well, I'll try..

    But I don't understand how to select it here there is no "attach file" option.

    Maybe it would be easier if you could show with your example how different animations schould look like?

    (Sorry to make you wait so long for my reply)

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  • I'm trying to do something there but it doesn't work at all, sorry to take up your time but I really need help with this

  • I tried to repeat it, but the animation still doesn't work.