So I think that the time has come to deal with the inventory. but I have the same feeling as if I'm trying to eat a bigger fish than I can (metaphor).
You have dropped a rather interesting specimen. and it made me think that I can also send you what I did and supplement my project with comments.
In fact, I have been struggling with the inventory for quite a long time, it feels simple at the same time, but when it comes to practice, it is as if I am stuck in an invisible barrier that I cannot cross.
I would recommend you to look for tutorials on inventories and choose the one that you think you could follow.
If you are visual learning then maybe you could also look at Youtube tutorials and follow them step by step.
If you spend some time learning you should be able to make the inventory that you envision.
Some tips that could help you, though there are different ways you could approach this:
-You can pin the slots to the inventory panel by Hierarchy. It will be easier if you make each slot tiles single so you can pick them easily.
Or you can use a tilemap.
-To Pick the different slots easily you can add an instance variable like for example "Type" and then you can set the slot to your different name types like (Hunting pants, Gorka pants, etc...)
-Add the (Drag & drop) behaviour for the items that you place in the slots so they can easily drag and remove them from the slots.
You may need an Array as I did or may not, depending on how complex you need it. For example, how do you know you have free tiles etc... You can do it via Boolean on the tiles "Ocupaid" and then set it to (True/False) or you could use Arrays.
As I mentioned, these are just ideas as there are different ways you could do the same thing.
The best thing is as I said earlier, choose a tutorial that matches the style that you want for your inventory then follow it, as normally they will show you everything you will need. Then you can start incorporating your own ideas once you have an understanding of how everything is working.
Good luck.