abhilash2863's Forum Posts

  • makes me sad...i couldn't understand a thing after the header file inclusion step.

    I've been learning C++ for nearly 7-8 months in school but still have no idea how to get graphics on screen, and looking at amount of code makes me more demotivated.

    I really appreciate the developers for spending lots of time and effort on this. I wish I could help with this project but looking at my amount of knowledge and learning speed, it would take me forever to understand the source code.

    Hope you can get more volunteers soon.

  • [quote:gypw474j]following a path previously created by a character?

    you mean you want to give "time reverse" like feature??

    here's an example:

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5811650/Help%20 ... everse.cap

    use arrow keys to move, SHIFT to jump and 'R' to trace the player's movement.

    this is already done in some thread but I can't find that right now....

    this example was first done by deadeye, but for some reason his example didn't work on my computer(probably due to different versions of construct) so I made another example using his idea as a base

  • I'm in Trivandrum.

    Didn't want to offend, sorry, but I really really feel out of place here!

    I hope I can find the time (and energy) to do some constructing. I managed to get my hands on Visual Studio Express 2008, so there is hope for the 2.5D behavior

    cheers all! I'll be back in july, do your best!

    this doesn't offend me atleast you don't read out mugged up dialogues like the 'Discovery' channel hosts that come to India and are telling the truth(whatever you feel about India) apart from that I think you are in the wrong place currently because it will be really hot there(around 44-46 degree celcius)

    and I don't know about you but I won't do any constructing in that situation

  • Try Construct 3

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  • thanks..it worked I was breaking my head for no reason..

  • I'm making a game in which the player controls a rocket using the mouse, when you Left click the rocket "blows" away from the cursor in opposite direction. I've got the movement done but I can't make it rotate properly, it should be facing the direction it's moving. I've tried setting the angle of the ship using tan inverse(atan) of yspeed/xspeed but the rotation still isn't proper , can somebody help??

    Here is a pic to help you understand better

    <img src="http://i841.photobucket.com/albums/zz339/abhilash2863/help.gif">

    here's the cap(v0.99.84)

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5811650/Help%20 ... otype2.cap

  • maybe you could mention the file to be downloaded below the link and if they can read english they can probably download it

    But I think if somebody plays computer games they probably know about DirectX, drivers and stuff.

  • nice game, but i was wondering if you could use newgrounds music in it....is it allowed/legal??

  • great (as usual), but I couldn't understand a thing (as usual ) i think I should stick to making bouncing balls.

  • i don't have much of requests but here are 2 of them:

    -making the sprite editor a bit more powerful, i know photoshop and GIMP already exist but wouldn't it be better if everything the developer wants is available in a single package.

    -this one could sound a bit absurd but.....a logo change?? i mean the current logo is a cog , game maker's logo is also a cog, stencyl logo is also a sort of cog. I know, when you think of game development tools you first think of hammers, cogs etc. but it will be better if we change it to something else, maybe a small competition for making the best logo??( mary jane would probably win )

  • UDK is not for everyone, surely not for guys like me running a Pentium D , 2GB ram and a ATI Xpress200 graphics card

    you forgot to mention these-

    blender- it has a built in game engine and it's pretty easy to use

    crystal space - it was used to create the game "Yo Frankie!" (not for beginners)

    can somebody mention the limitations of Unity free version?

  • I know about plutonium3d , it is being developed by Zoltan Percish(or something similar), he also created Silent Walk FPS creator which just supported FPS games, I think last Nov or Dec he stopped the project and started working on P3D, he also has a website silentworks.hu [WARNING: google chrome for some reason shows that it's forum is not safe to visit though I don't know why, but the news about p3d is only available on the forum ]

    P3D looks promising but I don't think it's a one man job

  • After seen this thread I've made an animated Construct logo this weekend. It can be used for any promotional purpose or any Construct creations.

    Here is the video and download


    For now, only Vimeo users can download, but I'll make a pack with AVI with different resolutions to be usable for anyone who wants this on yours Construct creations. (I'll create a proper thread to let this as a resource asset)

    I hope this help to promote Construct. (Or at least to praise the developers work and make them happy )

    looks great..it would fit in perfectly in the beginning of the showreel(or in the end)

  • [quote:2d1hp7x3]I've gone across the globe and landed in freaking India

    lololololol why are you in India??and where you are??

    [quote:2d1hp7x3]Everything is weird here

    aw..don't say like that you will get used to it..english is a problem here because half the population here can't understand english

    [quote:2d1hp7x3]buying any computers is out of the question

    don't even try that, computers are costly as hell here, it will burn a hole in your pocket(in fact, in anybody's pocket ) especially development rigs

    [quote:2d1hp7x3]network is spotty

    internet is at infant stages here, so they too are costly...telecom companies rip you off by giving a 2MBPS connection and 100 MB limit, the best you can expect is to find internet at cafes if you are in metro cities

    [quote:2d1hp7x3]I won't be posting or reading either

    my whole reply is a waste

  • Include 1 more-

    Construct till now can't export swf or java files.

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